Any news about how going back to kingdom halls and door to door ministry going right now? Are there many people at meetings and meetings before going out in service as congregation?
How things are in JW land right now?
by Hellothere 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
Beth Sarim
Many are wanting to stay on zoom. Its the PIMOs who are probably amongst the greatest group.
Probably only 45% attendance at in person meetings.
Not reallly sure about the figures for the field ministry.
My observation. A lot still on zoom. Cameras are off.
JW GoneBad
I hear that the C.O. & his wife are making the rounds to the different congregations in mmy next of the woods...he's turning the midweek meeting into a pep-rally and telling everyone on Zoom to turn out for weekend door-to-door field service and especially to attend his Sunday Public Talk.
At my meeting 50% were at the Kingdom Hall & 50% stayed home to listen to this clown on Zoom.
Apparently even the C.O.s & their wives are having a tuff time drawing a crowd!🤣🤣🤣
resolute Bandicoot
Bit like trying to put the gini back in the bottle, once they have had a sniff of freedom ...
What we're they expecting. Hey we gonna build a huge media center. Everything gonna be base on videos you could watch from Zoom. But we want you too return too the halls. Yeah gasoline prices are high. But it's not our problem. Good planning as always watchtower. Not.
road to nowhere
We must have the same CO. Or the same outline. Come back where you belong, if sick turn picture on and dress up, right down to polished shoes even if no one can see them. And get out door to door
We had 40 on zoom, 3 or 4 with pictures
In these parts (midwest US), they have been going door to door and doing carts again for quite a while, since September or so. But, from what I hear, a LOT of them are just staying at home and writing the letters to get their time. -
Weird as fuck.
Beth Sarim
It's gotta be the most unnerving and discomforting feeling for PIMO's to have to back in FS or meetings ago. Talk about barf city!!