Understanding The Bible ... The "Linchpin" Effect

by Littleleslie 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Littleleslie
    Hi all, *:) happy

    Understanding the Holy Bible.

    After many years of study of scripture, our bible study group has discovered something very important that needs to be realized or absorbed, before one can come to a correct understanding of the bible. We call it, The "Linchpin" Effect...

    The "Linchpin" Effect or teaching...what is it?

    It is the teaching or belief that a very important key point [or "linchpin"] has been extracted or taken away from the bible, which prevents or in effect keeps mankind from thoroughly understanding the bible's true meaning. We believe God Himself has "hidden" this important fact [or "Linchpin"] from mankind. And thus, it becomes a Great "Sacred Secret" [or Great "Mystery"] from Him, until the "time of the end," when He purposes to reveal it. This is what we believe the book of Revelation is all about...God revealing this "Sacred Secret" [or "Linchpin"] of scripture for us today. -- See Luke 17:30; Isaiah 49:2; Revelation 10:7; John16:13,14.

    Remember, it is called the "Linchpin" Effect.

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  • cofty

    Oh dear!

    Key Word For Today's Bible Vocabulary: "hubris"

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  • sparky1


    "I've got a secret and I'm not telling you! Na...na....na....na...na!

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  • Xanthippe
    But the Revelation was written at the same time as all the other confusing writings. How does that help? Unless of course God reveals what the Revelation really means to a select group of people who then think they have the truth. Now where have I heard that before.
  • Bonsai

    Gosh, I never heard that one before!

    When religions fail to deliver the goods, or fail to be relevant in this modern age, they try to appear mysterious, profound and mystical. We've got a sacred secret! Join us to find out what it is! They 'profit' as 'prophets' and 'prey' on your desire to 'pray'.

    Some things never change.

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  • Littleleslie

    Hi all

    Let me define the meaning of the Greek word, what we today call "Apocalypse" or "Revelation."

    The word translated "Revelation" in the bible means "to take the cover off," [see apokalupsis (602 Strong's)), from the preposition apo (575), from, and kalupto (2572), to cover.

    Thus, the "uncovering" we speak of today, is referred to in Luke 17:30 as the "revealing" of the son of man. Also, John 16:13, 14 shows, this one, the "Spirit of Truth," works in harmony with Jesus Christ to carry out God's Will for our day and time...and reveal "All Truth" and "Declare the things coming" or the future. This day is now!

    Peace out,


  • Xanthippe
    Yes I know what reveal means, no need for Greek words. Then you say 'thus' as if explaining what reveal means obviously points to Jesus. Huh? You lost me there.
  • cofty
    This day is now!


  • Littleleslie


    Do you mean Luke 17:30?

    What is it, do you want me to clarify about my use of this verse?


  • cofty
    What is it you want me to clarify?

    I would like you to clarify why you are still scrutinising an Iron Age book for the meaning of life the universe and everything.

    P.S. the answer is 42

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