Good Points!
I would like to offer my advice on HOW TO WITNESS TO FAMILY MEMBERS.
I have tested this many times with VERY positive results.
1. First, you must make the loved one admit that they are NOT PART of the New Covenant. Note: This may require reminding them that they do not partake of the emblems at the Memorial service.
2. Then, you must establish what the New Covenant is for. Matt. 26: 27 & 28 makes CLEAR that the New Covenant is FOR THE FORGIVENESS OF SINS (not only govt. positions like the WT says).
3. Then go over to Hebrews 9:27 where it reads that we will all be judged AFTER we die.
4. Then, challenge your family member to find EVEN ONE New Testament scripture that shows how a person can get their sins forgiven while OUTSIDE of the New Covenant.
5. Tell them that when they find that scripture, you'd be happy to go with them to the Kingdom Hall. You can remind them of this condition again & again over time.
6. Be prepared to remind them that regardless of the time period a believer finds himself in, (pre trib, during, or post tribulation) , after the sacrifice at Calvary ALL get their sins forgiven the EXACT SAME WAY - through the blood covenant of Christ.
This is clear at Rev. 7: 14 which says of the great crowd: "they have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb". NOTE: Destination, ie. heaven or earth has nothing whatsoever to do with Justification (getting your sins forgiven).
Is. 64: 6 reminds us that not only are our sins unacceptable, but even our so-called righteous acts are unclean before God if not covered by the blood. - "all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags". - KJV
7. Let your family member know that you are fearful of being condemned by God and so you are seeking protection through the blood of the lamb, similar to what the Israelites did on the first Passover in Egypt when they applied the blood of a lamb to the post and header of their doors to avoid being condemned.
Jesus once said that even if a person just looked at another with lust, they were guilty of fornication. Ask them if they ever did something like that. Ask them if they are concerned about their own judgment in light of Jesus' words.
Tell them again and again until they get it that the reason we all need a PERSONAL SAVIOR is because Hebrews 9: 27 states clearly that their will be a PERSONAL JUDGMENT.
Keep repeating your challenge over time about wanting to know how to get your sins forgiven while outside of the New Covenant. Remind them that they are the one that cannot answer this question, not you. Remind them that personal judgment is coming for all of us.
Confirming the fact that the rank and file JW does not have their sins forgiven, incredibly the WT printed this in 1938 WT pg. 104, 105: "
the "other sheep" are in a different condition .... not even justified".
Tell them that you want to be justified, made right with God.
Remind them that even the WT acknowledges that Jesus is the Mediator for ONLY those who are part of the New Covenant. He is not a Mediator for those outside of this arrangement - the rank and file JW. 4/1/79 WT p.31
I hope this helps someone!