I find myself in the uncomfortable position of defending the NWT. I think it's a decent translation in some respects.
After about 4 ½ years of study of New Testament Greek I can say that the majority of passages in the NT portion of the NWT are rendered more or less correctly.
That said, there is an important caveat concerning the accuracy of their translation, and it is this: They render the Greek into English accurately as long as the passage in question does not undermine their overriding theology. In other words, they tell the truth until they get cornered and then they lie their ass off.
It's really funny reading it in the Greek and seeing them translate the same construct of words correctly except when they get to a passage that conflicts with their teaching, and sometimes this happens on the same page or chapter of a particular NT book, it is amazing.
So their ya go. It's just my opinion, but I think it's a decent translation except for all the lies. :-)