Hi, everyone!
If you remember, I've been posting here my subsequent steps from a regular pioneer and MS at the beginning of this year to a rank-and-file publisher after stepping down as MS two months ago.
During these months, I've been through a difficult way. But after every step, I could feel freer and better. I've met a person outside the WT that has changed my life forever and I have experienced a freedom of thought and an inner peace like never before.
However, I knew that staying in my hometown would make my fading very difficult. I was serving in a foreign-language congregation, taking part in convention parts and well-known in my area. So, I decided that I have to move, far away, if I wanted to start a completely new life.
And here, I am. In a different country where I just found a job and I'm about to start from scratch.
So, I would like to ask for advice to all of you. I went to one meeting in a congregation in my new city for asking to the secretary's address. Then, I conveyed this info to my last congregation elders and now they're in the process of transferring my publishing card. Do you think I shall attend some more meetings until I am announced as a new publisher and then disappear? Here, I don't mind to deal with elders but wouldn't like that they inform elders back in my country although it would be very hard because of the language barrier. Or maybe should I make another congregation change in some months?
Thanks for your help in these difficult times!