The JWs could survive as an organization due to one vital human need: recognition. For decades this religion glorified the older ones and really didn't do much for the younger folks, hence the younger people left in droves. If you're middle-aged or older, what was the average age of the elders in your congregation or your circuit overseer, as you were growing up? Probably 60-80, right?
Things have changed a lot in the past two years. This became evident beginning in 2014. At least in my part of the world, Bethel speakers at the regional convention that year looked to aveage about 16 years old. That year and since then, the WTS sent letters to the elders and published Watchtower articles regarding the obligation to bring young brothers along and give them responsibility in the congregation sooner--as in NOW. They were told to throw out the notion that a brother has to be 30 years old to quality to be an elder. Early 20's is okay if he is spiritually mature. We have since had circuit overseers in their late 20's/early 30's in our area. These guys and their young wives are visiting the congregations and spending time with...who? The old farts? No way! They spend time with the young ones and it is paying off for them. In my congregation, most of the regular pioneers are under 30. We have new, young elders who have been appointed recently. Have you met anyone who works for the LDC (successor to the RBC)? I have yet to meet anyone over 35 in that group.
So here's why I think this is possible salvation for the JW juggernaut. People thrive on recognition and empowerment. Studies have shown that if an employee is presented with the choice of a new, important-sounding title vs. a raise, astoundingly more people will chose the title. And so in the JW organization, if young people are recognized and put in charge, they will become and remain engaged in this organization. And they will stay engaged long as they continue to be recognized and empowered. The GB may have solved a dilemma that has dogged them for decades--how to keep the young ones from straying or fading. They may very well have stuck their finger into the dike.