There are many words in the bible, but very few of them claim to be written by god himself.
Some of them claim to be spoken by god. People say the books are inspired by god. But what does inspired really mean? Charles Manson was inspired by a Beatles song to lead his followers to go kill people. Doesn't mean the Beatles had anything to do with it. Inspired doesn't mean dictated.
But there's one time (actually he did this twice), that god actually wrote things down when he gave Israel the 10 commandments.
The JWs like to say Jesus summed these up by giving us two laws. Love your god and love your neighbor.
But when god actually put his own finger to tablet, why did he NEVER say anything about how to treat each other? Jesus said love your neighbor. God mostly gave commands about worshiping him. And a couple of others that give NO practical advice on how to treat one another.