I have a friend in the National Guard and he says hes thinking about converting but they dont belive in military but he needs the army to pay for college and has a 6 year commitment. What would happen?
I Have Another Question
by Law 11 Replies latest jw friends
He won't need an education in the troof. He won't even need a brain. All his thinking will be done for him. He will be expected to lay down in front of the tanks so he won't need the army either!
Does that answer the question?
"But it does move"
Galileo -
no you just confused me
hippi's right,he won't need higher education as a JW. The ministry school will teach him all the book/magazine selling techniques he'll need to know. My son left the 'trooth' joined the Army to help him get an education,,,,from pioneering to paratrooper, he says best thing he's ever done lol. TinaPS ((((((((yeru)))))))))) Im proud to have 2 vets in the family and of course quite proud of you and your service to us! You are much appreciated,luv,Tina
Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."
He'll be expected to try to find some leagal way out. He won't be able to be batized and will be considered "Spritiually Weak" until he exits the military. Strange all that considering the Centurion Cornelius continued in military service even after Peter baptized him and his whole household.
If he's really serious, getting out of the NG or reserves into an inactive status isn't really all that hard. Anyway, the Military recognizes the JW's why won't they recognize the military?
Yeru Serving proudly
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Shakespere: Hamlet -
"Strange all that considering the Centurion Cornelius continued in military service even after Peter baptized him and his whole household."
Couldn't agree more.
if you are for real, here is some unasked for advice.
this publishing outfit was a scam from the get go, it was founded by a con man. if he is "studying" with the society he is being exposed to the latest mind control techniques. he will lose his life to the LIE, and that is the truth. you might try to get him to look in to JWs on the net. he does need helpthe ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
Hey gumps,
Did Cornelius remain in the military service after he was baptised? You know it would be wrong for him to kill.
I have a friend in the National Guard and he says hes thinking about converting ..
The only reason I can think is he has met some hot chick! Well she better be worth it!
It's easy to get out of the military, just make a pass at his commanding officer.
. o O (slipnslidemaster)