Lloyd Evans Patreoff Pool - December 2023

by DerekMoors 68 Replies latest social humour

  • DerekMoors

    Put in your bets as to where you think Lard I mean Lloyd Evans will land after December's drop in his patrons.

    In September he started at 457 patrons, did his whiny begging fest and peaked at 478, but then dropped down to 439 at the beginning of October. As of this moment (Nov. 6), he's at 427 paid members.

    So, where do you think he'll be on December 2nd? We're going a bit conservative this month and will guess 415.

    Share your predictions but most importantly, share your best Turkey Day (U.S.) and Christmas related memes. That shit is never not funny!

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  • Diogenesister

    Turkey day? Dear God is that what they're calling it now?🤦🏻‍♀️Mustn't upset the diversity Industry....

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  • ForeverAlone

    407 for me.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    410 for me.

    End of year and the Christmas spending season could mean that more drop. Inflation, rise in the cost of living and the global economic crisis are all factors as well.

    We’ll see. I hit my 12 year anniversary at the company I work for this year and I’d hate to have his CV in this challenging economic climate.

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  • Diogenesister

    Yes hopefully this time of year people will prioritise their own needs over Lloyd Evans stomach🤨

    I'll go for 413....

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  • TonusOH

    I'm gonna YOLO this one and predict 398.

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  • DerekMoors
    Turkey day? Dear God is that what they're calling it now?🤦🏻‍♀️Mustn't upset the diversity Industry....

    People have been calling Thanksgiving Turkey Day for decades. It's just a slang, conversational term.

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  • Ron.W.

    399 for me please - thank you.

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  • Toblerone5

    🦃 PatreOff Pool of November is on ! Gobble Gobble 🍗 😁

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  • Toblerone5

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