I got baptized later in life. I was around 21, I had left
and went out into the world should of listen to my gut back then, but
instead I disowned myself and came back into the fold. Before I could
get baptized, the elder who studied with me said I needed to get rid of
everything that was contaminated by this world: music, books & clothing,everything.
So we went through my music. AC/DC, Ronnie James Dio, Ozzy, Judas
Priest to name a few. I Invested a couple of hundred dollars mind you.
said," If you play them backwards there are subliminal messages
promoting Satanism". Yup that's what he said. I was like "no way", I
will throw them in the garbage right away. He said no last time someone
did that they reappeared in there room or they cried out. He said we
need to burn them. WTF.... so we made a small fire in the back yard and
burned my music, books and a shirt that said "Sex, drugs and rock & roll" (got it at a concert) everything he didn't approve of. I wish I was making
this stuff up, because I sound pretty pathetic right about now. Did any
of you ever go through anything like this or hear of crazy stuff like this?