Along with what fay said, there are those inside, high up, who dont believe a word but have no plans to leave. They have devoted their lives to the religion and have really nowhere else to go.
Leaked videos - Why?
by NewYork44M 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Fay Dehr
You make it sound so sad...wait! It is!!!! What a heap of wasted human lives...
Are videos getting out because of a lack of internal controls, or are there more than a few disloyal insiders that are more than happy to pass on inside information. Or, is there a strategic intent of releasing leaked videos?
If there is no intention of releasing these videos I would guess that the Wt is apoplectic about this gap in controls. The conclusion I get is that the Wt administration is highly dysfunctional. Understanding this dysfunction is as valuable as seeing the content of these videos.
At first, I thought you were wondering why in the sense of what's the purpose of leaking their info. Seems like your question is more along the lines of why is that happening and not being contained.
I think it's a combination of factors, some of which you mention. At the end of the day, the reality is that humans cannot be controlled, and they are going to do what they are set to do. Primarily, because the Wt and the JWs and not the kind of organization that they lead people to believe. They overinflate themselves, but the reality if that they are quite mediocre in everything they do.
Thanks Fay Dehr!! The reassurance is much appreciated and so is the work you are doing!
In regards to the Russian videos shown on Friday afternoon Convention Day... I watched the scenes closely and they seem to be filmed by one of the police/storm trooper type guys and not some Witness... so if this is indeed real, then its publicly available for all to see somewhere--- and if not-- they may have staged a reenactment?? Who knows??
Thanks for the response Fay. I hope your right.
Fey dehr, your CO story begs the question...
How the heck did that come up in conversation w/o either of you being too worried that one would rat out the other?
Got any tips for approaching a potentially helpful CO?
They overinflate themselves, but the reality if that they are quite mediocre in everything they do.
Yet, WT has been so successful containing the paedophile files that various courts continue to demand access to. If WT's data security is so inept or at least mediocre, it's surprising someone hasn't successfully accessed and circulated even a portion of that database.
I believe "leaking" supposed inside information, is often employed by corporations of all types, as a means to build anticipation, excitement. or create buzz for the company or its products.
Consider that although Apple does not outwardly release specifications, designs or technology advancement plans for its next iPhone prior to an official release announcement, whenever there is an advance 'leak' regarding that info, the tech news world goes nuts wanting to be first to report leaked info, whether factual or not.
I think 'leaks' serve Apple well as someone considering a new phone prior to Apple's release announcement, may decide to delay the purchase of another brand, to at least confirm if the leaked iPhone info is actually true and further consider if the new iPhone might be worthwhile.
The WT 'leaks' we see on this forum, whether regarding WT finances or other matters, typically result in numerous long threads and plenty of speculation presented as fact. While info that is leaked may not be totally false, it may not be necessarily complete or may be worded in a way so a reader might be lead to conclude things that are not totally factual.
If I was WT and I have 'enemies' (Ex-JWs) that are like pit bulls, constantly examining everything I do and attempting to bite me in the butt, I might be inclined to throw them a meaty bone every so often so as to distract them and get them off my back.
Incognito: Yet, WT has been so successful containing the paedophile files that various courts continue to demand access to. If WT's data security is so inept or at least mediocre, it's surprising someone hasn't successfully accessed and circulated even a portion of that database.
I am not surprised that the database hasn't been leaked.
I think that the database of pedophiles is kept tight and secure in the org's legal department. If anything is kept at a high level of security, it will be lawyer files. Nobody should be able to leak that information. If a WT/org lawyer leaked it, they would be disbarred.
And, in spite of leaks concerning finances, the actual financial accounting of the org has not been leaked. Where is the master ledger?
I am of the opinion that some of the "leaks" are genuine and some of the "leaks" have been deliberate releasing of information by the org itself.
The leaks come from various methods.
Technologically illiterate elders asking PIMO appointed brothers for help, giving up their website login info and access to documents.
PIMO elders and bethelites passing on info they come across.
Hackers accessing and sharing info.
I personally know first hand of instances of all of these happening.