Great talk interrupted...
Elders Remove Excellent Speaker
by Vanderhoven7 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
FatFreek 2005
Hmmmm .... The mike was turned off and he was physically interrupted by a man, probably elder, at 14:50.
I'm not clear exactly what he said that violated JW protocol. I hope someone can clear this up.
He doesn't sound like a radical at all. Quite pleasant, mild mannered, mostly eloquent.
Yes, a great speech indeed! There must be something they were not happy with: the Truth.
My guess would be that the problem comes up at about the 12:30 or so mark where the speaker begins pointing out that, Biblically speaking, problems within God's organization have gone all the way up to the top echelon of its human rulers.
To be sure, the speaker is being very accurate, and not at all being direct against the WT leadership. The elders who cut him off would have had to think that thru before deciding to end his talk. Maybe that is why it took a couple of minutes before they acted to stop the talk.
This is typical (from my experience) of how thought processes are interrupted in the KH to prevent or cut off any thoughts that might lead in a direction WT does not want you to go.
When you recognize it for what it is, it is more than a little despicable. Not at all different from how North Korea controls ones thinking processes. And any thoughts that might lean in a wrong direction are typically censored before they can actually get the main point.
For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
2 Timothy 4:3-4
Designer Stubble
Wow, I was intrigued to listen - and what an excellent speaker indeed. I really liked how he changed people's perception of Thomas. His reasoning is kind of along the lines of "In search of Christian Freedom" by Raymond Franz - and that if you indeed do believe in God, means that faith in him and being further a good person is enough. You can hear the Elder say that that was a very bad interpretation of the scripture - which I guess does not fit in a works-based organization. Perhaps further they did not like him still using a paper-Bible - but I think as already said, that where he stated that it was all the way to the top - so, perceived as criticism towards the almighty GB.
I think this brother is awake, still believes in God, but realizes how corrupt the organization has become - and is trying to use his remaining time on the inside to wake people up...but seems his remaining time as an elder is soon to expire, if not already. I wish him well - and hope to meet him here someday.
This people honors Me with their lips , But their heart is far away from Me .
Matthew 15:8
This is a long video, but he talks about what happened at the beginning:
The talk was given on April 23, 2017.
Perhaps if they allowed more talks from this speaker they'd be able to fill up some seats. Place looked abandoned.
stan livedeath
i bet half of the audience never noticed.