A Press Conference of Hate: False Accusations of Sexual Abuse Against the Jehovah’s Witnesses 7~24~23
by Tahoe 11 Replies latest jw friends
Massimo Introvigne will never win a math competition.
Why the borg would get involved with a vampire loving con man is no mystery. Flirting with spiritists is a favorite pasttime of "Jezebel" types like the GB, and so many of those head guys at Bethel love to play pattyfingers with pyramidology or numerology or biolas or other things Jehovah hates.
It's also not a mystery that the borg can't do math for beans. The 1914 doctrine doesn't add up. Not surprising this Massimo guy actually ends up proving himself to be a liar in his own article.
He claims the problem of abuse in JWs isn't nearly as bad as in the Catholic church and then he gives a bunch of numbers regarding Australia.
The thing is, the numbers he provides prove the very point he is trying to refute.
(I am not a mathematician, so please check my work and let me know if I did these calculations wrong...)
He says "the Royal Commission mentioned 4,444 claims against the Roman Catholic Church for 35 years and 1,800 allegations reported by the Jehovah's Witnesses for 65 years."
If you take Massimo's numbers and loosely find a yearly average of reported abuse that means...
About 127 Catholic reports per year.
About 28 JW reports per year.
According to one internet source...
Today about 5,075,000 (20% of entire population) of Australia is Catholic.
Today about 67,000 people in Australia are JWs.
Thus the rate of reported abuse per religious population group would be like something like this...
127/5,075,000 for Catholics = 0.000025
28/67,000 for JWs = 0.00042
Now to get an idea of whether or not the victimization rate is higher in the borg, let's take the population of Australia today...
About 26 million...
If every person in Australia was a Catholic and abused at the average yearly rate in the Catholic church, then 650 people would be abused this year.
If every person in Australia was a JW and abused at the average yearly rate in the JWborg, then 10,920 people would be abused this year.
To summarize, that's:
650 Catholics
10,920 JWs
Who has a bigger problem with rate of abuse? JWborg.
(I think maybe some sociology professors like Massimo Introvigne don't do well with true and false questions or math tests or writing believable fiction. I guess you get what you pay for when you hire a liar to do your dirty work for you.)
@EasyPrompt, you’ve summed it up perfectly!
That Massimo guy makes me sick. There are all these victims of abuse, and instead of comforting them, Massimo goes and writes an article attempting to bash and discredit them in order to hurt them even more. He uses foolish sounding sentences in his writing style - it's like he has a list of high-sounding vocabulary words and just inserts one every third or fourth word and hopes it all sounds fancy enough to impress somebody. The WTBT$ shuns people for telling the truth and then hires that guy and puts his video on the JWborg website as if he's some kind of truth-guru, when he's such a slimy faker. Yuck!
Better than? Worse than ? .......Who can really say?
It seems very irresponsible to me to make such statements. Of course figures can be manipulated to show what you want . Somebody once spoke of “ Lies, Damned Lies and statistics “
I don’t care that the Catholic Church fares better or worse in a league table of depravity . I know that both organisations claim to represent God On Earth and both fail miserably.
Just bring the perpetrators to Court and care for the victims... that’s all
WatchTower HQ won't say a word to actually.....ya know.......APOLOGIZE to the victims of childhood sexual abuse to ease their pain, which would cost them nothing.
Instead, they'll actually PAY this slimy mutherfugger to fudge the numbers and pump out this dumbass PR smear campaign that actually re-victimizes the abused of WatchTower policies.
Very telling.
The Australian numbers are of all sexual abuse reported in the time frame. The numbers would be quite different if only abuse by an appointed man was reported.
Catholic numbers are abuse only by ordained clergy. They're not really comparable statistically. We would need a more refined data base.
However, any abuse is disgusting and should be reported. The issue with the Watchtower is that they do not have a fixed policy covering every entity (State, Province, county, etc.) Reluctance to report has caused their problems. For decades the Witness Governing Body lived in an idealized "spiritual paradise" and were reluctant to report any wrong doing, no matter how egregious, because doing so would destroy the spiritual paradise myth. They brought the negative reporting and court cases on themselves.
Another issue is press reporting. If a Baptist rapes his daughter, the press never says, "a Baptist man raped his daughter" unless he is clergy. The media identifies the perpetrator as a Witness regardless of official standing. This corrupts numbers too.
Also ... Massimo Introvigne is a Catholic in disfavor with his religion because of a divorce. I've exchanged emails with him a few times. I found no evidence that he is paid by the Watchtower. If evidence exists, I would very much like to see it.
None of the GB are said to be "paid" or "hired" either, but sometimes "payment" comes in different ways.
Massimo Introvigne is a liar.
His article says:
"It is factually false that the Jehovah’s Witnesses do not inform secular authorities of believable reports of sexual abuse their elders have received, or worse, vengefully disfellowship victim of sexual abuse, or those who report incidents of sexual abuse to secular authorities. All manuals of instructions for Jehovah’s Witnesses elders clearly mandate that the laws of the land should be obeyed when they require that cases of sexual abuse should be reported to the secular authorities. In fact, even if there is no legal duty to report, congregation elders are instructed to report the matter if a minor is still in danger of abuse."
I am a victim of abuse in the congregation. The other elders covered for the elder and used every trick they could think of in order to cover for him. They broke their own rules recorded in the "Shepherd the Flock of God" book and they broke the clear commands of Jesus as recorded in the Bible.
The elders told me they weren't obliged to deal with the COBE until I talked to him first in harmony with Matthew 18.
When I called/wrote to the COBE to talk to him about the allegations, he wouldn't answer, so the elders said they didn't have to do the second part of Matthew 18.
Finally when COVID was fizzling down and meetings were going back in person, I told the elders I would speak with that COBE either before or after meeting at the KH so we could proceed with the next step. They went and got a trespassing ban so I couldn't go to the KH even though I never ever have disrupted a meeting in my life.
I was the one who got disfellowshipped when I warned the rest of the congregation via email of what was going on. I was accused of "reviling and causing divisions."
Eventually the elder I reported stepped down as HLC and COBE.
I am officially banned from meetings and conventions now because I went to the convention and still talked to my "friends" since I won't support the antichrist disfellowshipping doctrine.
Incidentally, over the course of several years I wrote to Bethel more times than I could count for "help" with the situation. No response until after I was disfellowshipped. Then Mark Sanderson sent back one of my letters with a big red stamp on it: "REJECTED".
Those men at Bethel are "paying" Massimo Introvigne with the same kind of "payment" they crave, worshipful esteem that belongs to God. They will "pay" anyone who does an act of worship to them, just like their god, their father the Devil.
"Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written: ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship, and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”
Jesus will expose those fakers on the GB at the appointed time, and everyone will know they are not really "Jehovah's Witnesses".