I have an older sister who is 48. She was a Regular Pioneer and married a Ministerial Servant. 26 years ago she was DF'd and divorced him. She had moved away before I was even born. I have seen her twice in my life and only for a brief afternoon. She was completely cut off from the rest of the family.
Today I answered the phone at my parent's house. She told me she wanted to come back, and wanted to talk to my mom about getting a hold of the Elders in her area. I said 'now why in world would you ever want to do that?' She just said it was time after all these years. I told her I'd give my mom her message, but I told her to research online first. I told her about the UN and Silent Lambs. She said she was already aware of them.
Any advise? Nothing much I can do right? Grown people make their own desicions