God vs ET`s ,why is one more probable than the other ?

by smiddy3 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • waton
    I am not questioning here whether or not UFO`s or UAP exists but whether or not in all probability life in one form or another could exist elsewhere in the universe

    s3, but you put that question in contrast to the probability of a creator. or god figure not created by wo/ men/

    one of our 9 planets has life. Unless the universes created themselves, could you think of the possibility of one creator? even if he/she used agents?

    The same laws, substances exist throughout the cosmos, what do you expect?

  • carla

    If you believe in God, why wouldn't God make life on other planets and galaxies? (it is estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies)

    If you are an atheist, why wouldn't life form elsewhere as it did here on Earth?

  • truth_b_known
    If you believe in God, why wouldn't God make life on other planets and galaxies?

    In some religions it is that way.

  • Vidiot

    Pretty sure there's been more UFO sightings than God sightings.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Since there are approximately 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

    Planets in the universe - Exoplanets have been discovered but we have no hard evidence to support your claim. All we can go on at the moment is extrapolation/speculation.

    BTW - I agree that ET life is more likely than 'God'.

  • Rocketman123

    Gods are set in a framework of imagination where life forms are a possibility due to the immense universe of which we live in, so from that acceptance there is a greater possibility of life on other planets in the universe than there is gods .

  • wozza

    From the WTS perspective, when we were in it, it was put to us in carefully worded statements that the earth was where the question of Universal Sovereignty was raised in the garden of eden.

    So we were to ,decades ago, believe that only here on earth physical life like us exists and only god and angels exist apart from us. Over the decades ,like alot of things taught by the WTS, it has been watered down by not commenting much about this.

    Over the weekend I watched an Australian produced TV show on UFO"s which focused heavily on The USA's relaxing of info of government secret files and videos from their military.

    Yes the pictures were grainy ,witnesses were interviewed with first and second hand info so it was hard still to see a non believer of UFO's being convinced.

    From our media here we seem to always be shown American-centric evidence ,which makes me wonder whether there is perhaps an even world distribution of sightings.

    Coming back to Smiddy 3 topic I get the impression that there is more people who have witnessed a UFO experience than there is of anyone actually seeing god,and yet so many believe in something they have never seen!

    One thing from the program that struck me was an Australian experience from a school sighting of a very close proximity UFO back in the 60's. It happened at the morning recess break when the kids rushed outside to witness the UFO event and one of the teachers also went outside to see it ,and he is still around and was interviewed about this. Government representatives at the time shut him down by saying that he was drunk on the job and would lose his job. Of course he was'nt but in those days that's how they forcibly shut people up.

    When I was a teenager back then I went fishing one night with some boys I had grown up with ,it was a clear night in Adelaide and we saw UFO's travelling the sky in a formation and also breaking of at high speed ,and dead stopping then changing direction impossibly .They were high up and we could not make out the shape but it made us feel scared at what we witnessed and we had difficulty talking to each other about it after this.

    Years later when I owned my own home one of my neighbors was a flight traffic controller.My wife and i were over their house for dinner. I asked him about UFO.s and gave him my story, he was very hesitant and eventually opened up and told me of his sightings on the radars and the incredible speeds they travel at and the inexplicable stopping in mid flight suddenly and shooting off again. He was a government employee and said they had firm rules that they should not share with the public,but he did with me.

    It's a funny world where the world is encouraged to believe in something that has'nt been seen .and yet many have seen UFO's but have to shut up about it!

  • Rocketman123

    An Unidentified Flying Object is just that.

    Many time they were man made objects or glitches in radar scans.

    Just because something is unidentified that does necessarily mean its an alien from another planet visiting

  • wozza

    Hi Rocketman , I agree that objects and glitchy radars could explain some sightings. I can remember the phenomenom of ball lightning being mistaken for UFO's and our atmosphere does peculiar things with light like the Northern lights.

    I am not suggesting every weird thing seen is an inhabited craft as science has shown us some explanations .

    But when you get a schoolyard of children and teachers looking at a craft hovering on the school grounds this is something different. Even after all these decades they interviewed some of the children who held to the same story as the teacher to what they witnessed.Interestingly they drew pictures of the what seemed to be a triangular craft with lights similar to what has been seen in other sightings around the world. It's certainly different from my sighting of UFO's and certainly more credible than my story.

    But it all comes back to personal perception in the end, If one has never seen a phenomena it would be hard to believe but it is a huge universe and I find it hard to see we are the only planet with life ,and why is it so hard to see that it may be possible for other creatures to be investigating space when we are doing it and dumping our shit in space and on planets now ?

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