Hey Fruitcake congratulations on the new little member to come in awhile. Thank God he will be "BORN FREE" As to me not replying to the 666 post- I avoid any thing that want an answer of "What does the Bible mean about this- what does the bible mean about that...."All I know Is as a JW I had all the answers to EVERYTHING!!!!! as a Christian I am just like Paul he says...".I Know nothing but Christ...". But tell him to stick around .Maybe he will notice >most of MY post dont get answers. ( or I am the last to respond... )Dont bother me-> I figure I am LUCKY they let an oldie on with all you young whippersnappers...LOL
Please, everyone, help out a newbie!!
by Fruitcake 18 Replies latest jw friends
I replied to one of his post. Unfortunately i read it the wrong way - I thought he was supporting DFing and I got pretty upset. Minmus corrected me and I apologized.
Hope he has forgiven me. -
I will look for his stuff from now on. I must warn you I kill threads! After I post few dare to follow, (unless I misspell something) . And that happens a lot! Maverick
Buck up Fruitcake! Your beau has had only one (1) post w/o andy response? Why hell, he's practically still a virgin!
caveman of the "kill a thread' class
Fruitcake & Elumn,
First of all, congratulations with the new coming baby.
Second, it does’nt matter if he is not good at grammar - when it’s clear what he is talking about.
English is not my language so I make lots of mistakes (and often I did not understand what people are meaning when talking about “hubbies” for example) but I’m learning.
Visiting this forum, means that I read (a lot) of new threads and look which reactions there are - and most of the time, I don’t react. That does’nt mean that I don’t value the thread, only that I don’t have anything to say to it. (or it is too difficult for me) And with me there are a lot who just look and don’t reply (this thread viewed: 211 times and 12 replies.
So, I agree with Big Tex and others: Do’nt take it personally.
Go on with the good work.
Country Woman -
I think I missed that thread....going back to check.
Hey you two!!!!!!!!!!!! (fruitcake and her other half )
I am not one to post on things about doctrine, it just isn't my "thing".
I can tell you however, my thing is to encourage and applaud those who do take an interest in those type of things and causes. Just isn't my "thing" personally as far a doctrine is conserned.
Welcome to you both, and CONGRATS on the "bun in the oven".
The lack of grammer is common to a "troll" and we have become very aware of those who come here to cause trouble. Just tell your man, it is ok, the more we learn of him and his views, the better.
We are all a little sensitive about JW's being here and upseting the support system we have, so we have a tendency to defend ourselves. No harm done I hope, and I hope he understands where we are coming from.
We welcome anyone who is truely with all of us in healing, supporting, helping, and listening to what we have to say, or what you all have to say.
With much love (sincere and unconditional),
*join me in chat if you are awake*
Hi FC,
well, I read all three threads, and I honestly don't see any instances in which elum8 was put down for grammatical mistakes or otherwise mistreated. Also, each thread has several replies, which is the norm around here. Am I missing something?
Maybe the threads have since been added to, I don't know. Whatever the case, all three that he posted seemed fine to me. While he made a few spelling errors in one of them, well, we all do that, so I never treat that as a big deal. I misspell words all the time here, which is one reason I am starting to use the larger fonts again - helps me to see what the heck I'm typing.
Welcome, to both of you. This is an open forum, so you are bound to read things you do not agree with, but most of the stuff here is rather encouraging. Obviously simon is the "editor" but he gives us a free hand to say whatever we wish as long as we stay within the posting guidellines, which, in my opinion, make sense. Everyone is not going to always agree with you and some may get a little rude. Don't let any of this get you down. As Jesika pointed we have a great support system here so read and learn.