They'll put loads of dislikes on this as well what i posted above because their manifesting, the watch tower organisation practice false worship through false mistranslations who are from Charles Russel an ex freemason. They've even covered his grave up because it was a tomb a pyramid of all free masonry symbols. the countless false predictions of the world ending over and over you have stated over the years. Do you not know Deuteronomy? Brainwashed and should be ashamed.
No more REPORTING field service!!!!!!!!!
by BoogerMan 176 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Jesus told us not to go door to door he told his apostles this when he sent them out in pairs. Pagans.
Jesus this, Jesus that. I think I could legitimately compare Jesus to a Nazi sympathizer.
Go on, dare me.
There is such a mix of people on here. Some ex JDubs are now evolutionists and some believe Jesus is God.
It just shows the Bible can be interpreted in many different ways.
Teddnzo: It just shows the Bible can be interpreted in many different ways.
Which is not a good endorsement. The most important communication in the history of the universe, upon which the eternal outcome of billions of people depends, should really be so clear as to allow no confusion.
Or... god wanted this. Which is quite terrifying, when you think about it.
ChildofGod89 said "i can prove biblically through scripture countless times Jesus is God"
No you can't.
Why do people get hung up on archangel? Angel is a messenger. Jesus is God's chief messenger.
Changing of John 1:1. Change from what to what? Jesus did not speak what was written in John 1:1 and I'm not a follower of the apostles, so if you adhere to John 1:1, you are a follower of men.
"There is so many scriptures that prove Jesus is god and Jesus himself claims this countless times."
No, on the contrary, Jesus in John 3:16 said that he is God son. So many times he is referred to as God's son. Peter in Matt 16 said that Jesus is God's son. In Luke 1:32 the angel told Mary "and will be called Son of the Most High". The Most High is Jehovah. Thus he is Jehovah's son.
Also if Jesus were God, then how could this be fulfilled ? Luke 2:22 "when the time came for purifying them according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to Jehovah". If that baby was Jehovah, how could he be presented to Jehovah?
Jesus can't be God because he is the sacrifice that is presented to God, the high priest that presents that sacrifice. Jesus' being God would invalidate that.
I think this change will make pioneers think even more of themselves. What a shame - I was really drowning in the love they have shown ME over the years :D