I can't get over the "we are pleased to inform you" part of the message. So, they're happy that they have ramped back production of the magazines from four per month to two per year?
No more public WT & Awake?
by mikeflood 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I submit that neither the public WT nor the public Awake qualify as 'magazines'. A magazine has a regular scheduled publication; ie monthly, weekly, bi-monthly, etc. Deciding to publish once a year, then arbitrarily changing it to 6 times a year, then changing again, demotes the public WT and Awake to simply a tract or brochure. The study WT is still a magazine in that it is still published on a regular schedule.
This simply reinforces a suspicion I’ve had for years, now…
…that the door-to-door work - and specifically, the record-keeping aspect of it - was initiated solely to create a legal paper trail of “charity” activities, in order to qualify for tax-exemption (without having to bother with soup kitchens, clothing drives, and the like).
Tonus - Yes. That had me laughing until I soiled myself.
It really is openly crap spin on old Sandy wandys' part. What a twotspangle!
I wonder how many PIMI Jobots cringed at that?
Yes. Meanwhile these services are sorely needed. The fact that the JW religion has absolutely No social programs like the ones you mentioned is something that should be held against them, in my opinion.
They have created poverty among their followers or at least those gullible enough to totally buy into their teachings. Thankfully I never listened. Now, all the baby boomers are reaching retirement age with many among them having No preparation.. They were duped into spending decades in volunteer work.👎 They wasted time in a full time unpaid ministry instead of holding down decent secular jobs!
I think the record keeping aspect, invented in the ‘20s, was primarily to have a documented way to define a practicing member of the faith. This was to protect Rutherford et al from further imprisonment under the Espionage Act
I can't get over the "we are pleased to inform you" part of the message. So, they're happy that they have ramped back production of the magazines from four per month to two per year?
Tonus - Yes. That had me laughing until I soiled myself.
That's one of those weasel phrases that the org sometimes uses when it's really giving news that any sensible person or group would consider a setback, or at best a reduction in hopes and expectations.
When you start to see how transparently the org try to spin every mistake, problem, reduction, reversal or failure as some kind of "positive", it begins to become a joke to spot them - like playing a form of JW-themed Buzzword Bingo. (I'm using the family-friendly name there!)
LongHairGal - “…the fact that the JW religion has absolutely no social programs like the ones you mentioned is something that should be held against them, in my opinion…”
I suspect it is.
Frankly, I think it’d be weird if the IRS wasn’t keeping an eye on the Org on a regular basis.
In fact, I suspect revenue agencies relaxed the rules for keeping one’s “charity” status during Covid, which was why the WTS so readily hit pause on the door-to-door work…
…their tax-exemption wasn’t at risk if they told the rank-and-file to stay home on Saturday mornings, but it may have been if they hadn’t.