I too am finding "Scientology and the Aftermath" completely FASCINATING in several ways.
First, there is the shared experience - both XJWs and XCoSs dealt with the cognitive dissonance that always comes before we make a mad dash for the exits; the strange looming awareness that "something is not quite right" in the thing that just a day ago seemed like the ultimate path of truth. It is very easy to empathize with the pain and heartbreak of those who are subjected to "disconnection."
Second, I realized that I knew very little about the teachings of Scientology -- like WHY THE HELL do they use a cross-like symbol of the church? I found the explanation interesting...
First, Christianity does not have an exclusive claim on the cross -- the cross was used by humans since before they were modern humans -- it is just an "X" -- so get over the feeling that the CoS "has no right" to use -- or abuse "your" cross...
...and it may be "abuse," because the 8 pointed cross used by Elron (I'm joking) Hubbard is derived from the cross used by L. Ron's buddy, Aleister Crowley. There are multiple levels of meaning concealed in the 8-pointed cross, ranging from the simple mundane 8 points of the compass that L. R. H. was so familiar with, he being a sailor. Then you can look at the CoS cross as a 4-pointed Christian cross with an "X" laid over it, harkening back to Hubbard's explanation that there was NO jesus, so let's just "X" him out...
Me personally? I'm not a Christian, so I have no emotional ownership issues with the cross. I just think this is a great example of how something that LOOKS LIKE one thing can actually mean the exact opposite of what the uninitiated might think it means.
In regard to some other CoS teachings, I would say they appear to be AT LEAST as ethical or "moral" as Watchtower/JW teachings. No drugs, no alcohol, many really valuable and helpful (in my opinion) psychological ideas -- better than Watchtower/JW teachings by a long shot, and that is due to the fact that LRH was an intelligent modern man and not an Israelite goatherd or "upper crust" member of the Jewish priesthood, who were not very much higher than cavemen when you get down to it.
During the most recent show Leah and Mike discussed the CoS forcing abortions and divorces on people, and this I found repellant.
I am curious about the CoS teachings regarding human sexuality issues, and I am always amused to hear how the CoS has a love/hate relationship with that whole "Xenu" mythology, which they mix up with their other teachings, tiny marshmallows and canned fruit cocktail into a hilarious theological Jello Salad.
I admire Leah and Mike for taking the stand they've taken, and I fantasize about having them meet Barbara and Joe Anderson to discuss the "apostate" experience.
I have read that Mike Rinder has his own Scientology organization, and I'm curious about what CoS teachings and organizational practices he would throw overboard (to keep with the naval set dressing).
Some of the things that Leah, Mike and their XCoS guests have related, like Karen telling about how her son was having sex with a 40 year-old woman, and how that same son died very young and she was not permitted to see his body -- these stories made my head explode.
I hope Leah and Mike see their hopes fulfilled and that somehow a way will be found to stop the damage being done by these CULTS to an end.