Because it's possible

by Gorb 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotFormer

    "Because I can" is probably the Anglosphere's equivalent. Sam Herd is pushing the envelope here. Just because he can, doesn't mean he should!

  • NotFormer

    Balaamsass2 That photo of Franz is interesting and possibly instructive. Even though he's wearing a flannelette* shirt, he's still wearing a tie**. Even in JW land, I don't see how that made it alright! Rules for thee, but not for me, perhaps? I bet that he wasn't wearing jeans with that shirt. Probably a pair of trousers with a crease so sharp you could cut yourself on it!

    *In Australia, they're made from cotton, not wool, so we don't call them flannel shirts***.

    ** It doesn't excuse anything: it still looks ridiculous!

    ***People who wore those shirts used to be called "Westies" (for the lower-class Western suburbs of Sydney: Penrith, Mt. Druitt, etc.). Now the term is "Bogan".

  • Gorb

    Because I can" is probably the Anglosphere's equivalent. Sam Herd is pushing the envelope here. Just because he can, doesn't mean he should!

    Thats how it is also in Dutch, thx!


  • TonusOH

    I wonder if there are any rank-and-file who get the impression that they are allowing beards because some of the GB wanted a beard.

  • LV101

    All that secret wealth/luxurious lifestyle to flaunt watches/designer suits for entertainment/theatre image. Maybe they should rock some 'jesus' sandals with their GQ attire/beards. Appearance is important on stage and beards to display popular style/touch of mainstream freedom. What freedom - can you stand it! Beards for public appeal and membership drive-delusions.

  • Vidiot

    I’ve long felt that JW Broadcasting was one of the best things that ever happened…

    …they found their true calling as televangelists, and we were proven right.

    Honestly, I suspect the only thing that woke up more still-ins was Covid.

  • FragrantAddendum

    wt tv just exposed the gb as frauds even quicker

    they basically hung themselves right in front of everybody

    kinda like haman

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    They gave themselves enough rope to hang themselves with it.

    You see,,man made.

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