Another silly Bible story....Joshua and the killing hailstones

by RULES & REGULATIONS 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy3

    And why did he ask the sun to stand still ? wasnt he aware that the earth revolves around the sun and not vice versa ? And spins on its Axis ?

    If jehovah had listened to Joshua to give the appearnce of the Sun standing still and actually stopped the earth rotating on its Axis ?

    Armageddon would be like a picnic in the park .

  • JoenB75

    I am sure Jesus is quite capable of making it look that way. He is sovereign and do as he pleases

  • EverApostate
    After all, in Egypt he had a single angel do all the necessary killing in one night.

    Yes, also when an Angel could kill 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers in one night, why does Jah use stones and a global flood to kill people. Seems he likes novel methods to kill people

  • EverApostate
    And why did he ask the sun to stand still ? wasnt he aware that the earth revolves around the sun and not vice versa ? And spins on its Axis ?

    Sheer Ignorance of Bible Writers. Authentic evidence that the Bible has nothing to do with a God.

  • redvip2000
    Yes, also when an Angel could kill 185,000 Assyrian Soldiers in one night, why does Jah use stones and a global flood to kill people. Seems he likes novel methods to kill people

    Yup and this is how you know this God of the bible is not a genius. What kind of an idiot, would bring devastation to the planet in order to kill a few million humans, when a handful of the angels (from among gzillions of them sitting around going nothing), could have accomplished that in one night.

  • Finkelstein

    The fictional story telling of how powerful " Their" god was is typical to how many ancient civilizations expressed their beliefs and stories of their own gods, in other words its not unusual for that time and era.

  • JoenB75

    We can only marvel at the Sovereign will of God, The slaying of 185,000 enemy soldiers was nothing short of a miracle delievering his undeserving people.

  • Finkelstein

    So JoenB75 you accept based from how grandiose the story telling of a god makes it not fictional mythology ?

    What about all the other grandiose actions expressed by other ancient civilizations about their own select god(s) , did they factually happened as well ?

  • JoenB75


    I put much more emphasis on the new testament, the old testament belongs to a past covenant. But my general approach is that I believe in the power of God to do miracles. I was not there when Moses divided the red sea, but I unless the context tells me it is symbolic, I tend to take it at face value knowing that higher criticism and current scholarship make mistakes too. And yes, I am biased towards the Scriptures

  • EverApostate
    JoenB75. The Old Testament says that Gods law are for time indefinite. As per that, it cannot be overruled by a new covenant. If at all, then its blashphemy. How do you reconcile this ?

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