Hi jws, I would divide your questions into three:
1) “And people say it is the inerrant word of
You are true “People say it is inerrant word of
God” whereas Bible writers themselves do not believe so. For example, most of
the OT prophets are unaware about parallel account of creation involving Adam
and Eve and its attendant teaching of original sin which means we sin by simply
being alive. Habakkuk even flatly rejected such concepts. (Habkkuk 2:4) Jeremiah
rejected considerable portions of the Bible (Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8)
know, Jesus was misquoted on everything. Did he really say "he is the way
and the truth and the life. no one comes to the father except through
facie, Jesus did not say this verse because it is like saying “unmarried
husbands” which makes no sense. Jesus taught we are all children of God whom he
called “our heavenly Father” which inherently means it is inconceivable for
Father to elevate one son over others and to imply that others have access to
Him only through one son. Most of John’s gospel is fiction. For example, if
Jesus really performed miracles, at least Mathew should remember what his first
miracle (changing the water into wine) and last miracle (resurrection of
Lazarus) were; yet we find it is John who reports it—that too in his senility,
signs of which are seen from the beginning of his gospel. For example, he says
Jesus ascended into heaven in the beginning of his ministry by making him say: “no
one has ascended into heaven except him” while talking to Nicodemus. (John
3:13) Most famous incomprehensible verse is John 1:1 (Was there no other better
way to convey what he wanted to convey? If one’s very first verse gives rise to
over 2000 years of debate which has not yet reached a conclusion, it defeats
the very purpose of communication. John also forgot Jesus had already declared that
prophet Elijah has now appeared John the Baptist. (Mathew 11:14 contrast John
3) And if it were god's testimony to the world,
and he is all that people think he is, wouldn't he have the power to make sure
everybody got every story correct? So that there would be no reason to doubt
the message?
very fact that God did not prevent the interpolations shows that scriptures do
not belong to Him. Yet this does not mean some of the characters in the Bible
are not historical. Some may be historical, and others may be symbolic figure
representing the whole humanity like Adam (a word used for both mankind and an
individual). Whether somebody is historical or not is not important because
what they teach is that every action (good or bad) is responded to sooner or
later which is the very basis of science, all the stories, all our experiences …
Like pure water available in the deep wild
forest, Bible also contains certain truths here and there. For example, if you
remember one verse of the Bible it is more than enough: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And
what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8) We see that everyone’s thinking creates
his reality which means we are all free to choose to do whatever we like to do
which means God respects our individuality. We all love mercy shown by others
which gives us reason to love mercy. God Himself shows humility by not doing
any favor to theists and by not punishing atheists which means He is least
bothered of honor or dishonor people shower on Him.