They look so innocent.
Where's Simon?
by nicolaou 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Simon - “…chasing puppies around the yard.”
So that’s why you’ve seemed so uncharacteristically upbeat lately.
Id’ve thought you’d gotten fed up with, well, everything, and gone to live in a bunker off the grid somewhere in Nunavut by now.
Puppies make everything better, though.
Yeah, they are great and definitely make life better.
We lost our last dog, Olivia, quite suddenly just before Covid along with one of our cats (that we got as kittens when the kids were toddlers and came to Canada with us). We couldn't get another dog while the other cat was so old and she lived a couple of years longer before also passing away but it takes a while to get over the loss of pets that are such a big part of your life for so long. Olivia especially was with me nearly all the time as I worked from home, she used to remind me when it was time to go pick the kids up from school, come with me on errands, and sit next to me while I worked.
When we finally decided we were emotionally ready to get another dog (I was the holdout that had to be convinced) we saw some Morkies nearby and, well, I suggested it might be nicer to have two of them. So I went from being the one that refused to get another, to the one that said "let's get two!". It was a great decision, they were an absolutely adorable little couple and of course had each other as company and to play with so they slept great from the start and were no trouble. A few weeks after getting them it turned out they were looking for a home for one of their sisters who had been returned (I think family or health changes with whoever had taken her) and our youngest wanted us to get her. So then we had three, and it's been great.
It's not quite "less work" overall but they do all play together great and it's amazing how different they each are personality wise and with their routines. The last to arrive, Lyla, likes to sleep on the back of the armchair that was Olivia's favourite spot, and has figured out how to climb a fence to get onto the back slope of the garden (where there is another fence, that the first fence was to stop them getting to an digging under). She just like to explore, none of the others copy her. Mollie is always the first one to go to bed, and is the fastest when they are chasing. Mabel is the cuddliest fur-ball and super laid-back - she doesn't even come to harass you if you have food like the other two do, but trusts some of the food will come to her, which of course it always does, because how can you resist? All of them love to sit on your lap, often all at once.
We have a nice dog-park nearby that they love, and is great to tire them out, which we make the most of while it's still summer. They did OK in winter even when it was very cold - Mabel especially loves to be out in the snow, she has such a thick coat I don't think she feels the cold.
So yeah, they take up a lot of our life now. I am still working and maintaining the forum, and hope to get some much due upgrades out soon, but other work often takes over (have to pay the bills and buy dog food!). Angharad has started travelling more with her work, which sometimes means I have to look after them which does affect how long you can be at a keyboard.
Our friends kids love seeing them too - they also lost their dog after we'd lost Olivia, and are not ready to get another one just yet, and our three just soak up the attention and are happy to just sit and be hugged. He was a lovely gentle soul and we'd often look after him when they went on long skiing trips or to visit relatives, so we have lots of memories and pictures of him and Olivia at the dog park or playing in the local river. Good times we treasure, like we do the new memories we're making now.
Adorable! I love Yorkies they were the most popular dog of my childhood and having them mix wth another suitable breed just makes for cute and healthy pups <3
Jeezus, that’s an info-dump and a half.
Simon’s clearly a pet person; I did not see that coming.
(not that I don’t relate)
Beth Sarim
Golden retrievers.
Simon’s clearly a pet person; I did not see that coming.
I definitely like dogs better than humans. If you've ever seen the episode of Derek where they have to put the dog to sleep ... that would be me.
Heck, I was crying trying to describe the Futurama episode about Seymour waiting for Fry to my friend!
Beth Sarim
Simon,,,i concur with you.
Dogs make better friends than humans.. They love you unconditionally.