What is this?
Its a Google DATA CENTER
How much data does google store?
a) 10-15 exabytes (2014)
b) Look up and imagine punch cards for 3 miles
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Google holds somewhere around 10-15 exabytes of data. If you are in the majority of the population that doesn’t know what an exabyte is, no worries.An exabyte equals 1 million terabytes, a figure that may be a bit easier to relate to. Using our estimate earlier of a personal computer holding around 500 GB, that would mean 1 exabyte would equal 2 million personal computers, and Google's 15 exabytes would be around 30
We should note that Google does not have the largest data center in the world. If you're curious to see who does, we've written another post to tell you all about who does.
Source: "How much data does google store, by Colin Carson 18,November 2014
We’ve written before about how much data Google stores (it’s staggering), but Google might not store the most data, and definitely doesn’t have the biggest data center. The NSA is suspected to potentially hold the most data out of anyone, though there’s a few other top contenders. But everyone likes to cloak themselves in secrecy. Makes sense. It’s cool to have secrets.Source: Joshua Loomis, January 26,2016
Compared to the impressive total volume of stored data at Google
How much would be the shared storage used of this forum?
Tour through Google data center: http://www.wired.com/2012/10/ff-inside-google-data-center/