I always love jws that thinks the WTS god cares about individuals. The WTS always says that "as a group" jws will survive Armageddon, no guarantee of individual protection; but they have an out, even if a jw dies during Armageddon, it won't be by execution by the WTS and is helpers, Jesus, the angels, and the 144,000 now all in heaven since the great tribulation (reporting not supporting).
*** w11 5/15 p. 19 par. 16 Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Life? ***
As we draw ever closer to the end of this wicked world, more and more of Jehovah’s people are being affected by disasters and tragedies. We do not expect miraculous protection at this time. Even so, like Job, we may find that our hearts are weighed down when we lose loved ones or suffer personal difficulties. 5/15 p. 22 par. 9 The Angels—“Spirits for Public Service” ***
Angels are ever alert to intervene according to God’s will. They rescued Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Daniel, and Peter but did not prevent the deaths of Stephen and James at enemy hands. (Dan. 3:17, 18, 28; 6:22; Acts 7:59, 60; 12:1-3, 7, 11) The circumstances and issues were different. Similarly, some of our brothers in Nazi concentration camps were executed, whereas Jehovah saw to it that most of them survived.
*** w07 3/15 p. 24 par. 14 Angels—How They Affect Mankind ***
Satan has done everything in his power to put an end to the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Yet, as an organization, they have survived such opposition and have prospered. This is, in part, due to the protective shield that the angels have provided.—Psalm 34:7; Daniel 3:28; 6:22.
*** g96 4/8 p. 27 Can True Christians Expect Divine Protection? ***
To understand why divine protection is given, we must understand that it is given not simply to enable individuals to live longer but to protect something far more important, the outworking of God’s purpose. For example, the survival of the Christian congregation as a whole is guaranteed because it is closely linked with the fulfilling of that purpose. However, Christ plainly told his disciples that they as individuals could face death because of their faith. After stating this, Jesus stressed, not miraculous deliverance, but ‘endurance to the end.’ (Matthew 24:9, 13) The fact that some individuals were protected, while others were not, does not indicate that God is partial. God simply used the person who was in the best position to accomplish his purpose, which ultimately will benefit all mankind.
*** g02 4/8 p. 13 Should Christians Expect Divine Protection? ***
Should Christians expect God to rescue them miraculously in every case of impending disaster? The Bible record does not support such an expectation.
How many missed the excepting phrase, “as a group” or “as a whole”?
*** w98 12/15 p. 22 When Armed Robbers Strike ***
While Jehovah protects his people as a whole, he does not intervene in every case to shield his servants from robbery. Job was outstandingly faithful, yet God allowed marauders to plunder Job’s livestock, with loss of life to the attendants. (Job 1:14, 15, 17)
prophecy about the great tribulation strengthens us. Why? Because it assures us
that no matter what hardships we may face, Jehovah’s people, as a group, will come out of the great tribulation.
has promised to help, protect, and save his people as a group, and we believe that he will keep his promise. (Psalm 37:28; 91:1-3) There will be a great crowd of people who
will survive “the great tribulation.”