Kingdom Hall construction -- Counting time and reporting travel, meals, and lodging expenses

by FatFreek 2005 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    I have two questions.

    1. If you work on KIngdom Hall construction, are you allowed to count your time in lieu of field service? An old thread here indicated that if you are pioneer, you can count your time. If you are an ordinary publisher, you can't. Can someone verify this?

    2. Are you able to deduct your expenses -- travel, meals, lodging -- on your tax return (that is, if you are able to itemize) as part of your religious contributions?


  • HereIgo

    Yes, when I was regular pioneering, I counted my time assisting on the build. Not sure if Aux Pioneers can count time, maybe someone can clarify. Not sure about deducting expenses on tax return though...

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I often got credit slips from the assembly hall overseer for working the literature depot, special projects at the AH, feeding students at MTS. Of course quick builds. Did I mention I HATED the ministry, yet I was a pioneer? Go figure, you did what was expected.

    Now I do whatever the flip I want. And the only "credit" I want is a paycheck.

    Snakes (Rich)

  • darkspilver

    Hey FatFreek 2005!

    If you work on KIngdom Hall construction, are you allowed to count your time in lieu of field service?

    Yes, and no:

    REGULAR PIONEERS - BoE letter 25 August 2014 'Re: Regular pioneers', paragraphs 14 to 16

    • A pioneer, if authorized/assigned, in certain 'theocratic' activities, such as KH construction, can claim a time credit;
    • The pioneer must spend some time in the actual ministry each month;
    • The credit plus ministry time can never exceed a total of 70 hours each month (so if they do 70 hours ministry and have 70 hours credit in a single month - they can only claim a total of 70 hours that month)
    • On the Publisher Record Card, the ministry time is written in the 'Hours' colums, the hour credit is included in the 'Remarks' column;
    • Credit can not be carried forward to the next month;
    • Only the actual ministry time is reported to the Bethel for purposes of counting ministry time.
    • NOTE: 70 hours x 12 months = 840 hours which is the annual target - therefore the 70 hour limit does not allow time for holidays, attending conventions or sickness etc
    • NOTE: I believe the only time you can count credit for a total ABOVE 70 hours per month is when you get hour credit credit for attending the pioneer school.

    PUBLISHERS - BoE letter 7 November 2008 'Re: Field service reports', last pararaph

    • On the back of the Report they should write a brief note describing the additional theocratic responsibilities they cared for that month, no hour figure needs to be given - this can then be written on the Publisher Record Card under the 'Remarks' column (interestingly the new Report forms have a 'Comments' section on the front nowadays)

    Not sure about Auxiliary Pioneers, but I'd suspect they'd be covered by the 'Publisher' procedure - though I'd suspect the BoE would show consideration for short-term short-fall in hours due to theocratic activity if the publisher was a regular auxiliary pioneer.

  • dubstepped

    Yes and yes.

  • ttdtt

    You are not able to deduct personal MEALS as an expense in the USA for taxes.
    If you were hosting a business meeting with a client or potential client you could deduct 1/3 of that meal.

  • sir82

    If you are in "full time service" (regular pioneer, special pioneer, CO, etc.) then yes the hours on a construction project count. If not in "full time service", no hour credit.

  • ab.ortega

    Not reported as hours to branch. Only used as a credit up to 70 hrs total per month and really only matters at the end of the year to help you meet the 840 hour total quota.

  • Tameria2001

    Is this something new, or has this been something that they have always done? The reason I'm asking is because I was both a regular pioneer, and I worked with the electrical crew in building kingdom halls back in between the years of 1989 to 1993. I never counted my time when I was working on any of the kingdom halls, because no one ever told me I could. If I was able, it sure would have made my life a whole lot easier.

  • darkspilver

    Hi Tameria2001!

    Is this something new, or has this been something that they have always done?

    haha, cheeky - you know everything is easier these days in JW-land!

    hour credit appears to be something that has evolved and been formalized over time with the increase in additional 'organized' theocratic activities - such as the RBC building activity as well as the seasonal help at the Bethels.

    See BoE letter 1 July 1988

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