In all of the art I`ve seen in Christendom, Angels always have the form of a male, and in the Bible those that are named always have a male name such as Michael ,Gabriel , etc,
Nowhere in the art world that I have seen do Angels have the female form, and in the Bible they don`t have female names.
So if the Angels are neither male or female why then are they depicted as males with male names ?and not female also ?
The Watchtower illustrators also follow this line .When they illustrate an Angel it is always in the form of a male and never a female form.
The anointed who make up the 144000 comprise of male and females right ? Yet when they are in heaven ruling with Christ Jesus, WT illustrators always picture them as males with beards and not one female form amongs`t them ?
Why is that do you think ?
Is Christendom a misogynist religion ? Maybe not , at least in Christendom`s mainstream Churches, women do have an important role to play to varying degrees
Are Jehovah`s Witnesses a misogynist religion ? However in this religion women have no role to play except to be subservient to the male in authority.
And this despite the fact that Jehovah blessed a woman Deborah a prophetess and Judge of Israel, for fourty (40) years of peace. Judges Ch.4 & 5
So Jehovah was quite happy to have a woman in that role as a prophet and Judge for no less than 40 years.
How many JW women are aware of this fact ? and what it should / could imply.?