As JWs , we all remember the thought of dragging oneself out of bed on a nice sunny Sunday meeting or getting home tired after a hard day at work contemplating another boring , pointless , repetitive weekday evening meeting.
As the only legitimate reason for missing a meeting is illness , the only way for anyone to avoid a meeting that they really couldn't be bothered to go to ( ie most of them ) is to "pretend" to be ill. So given an average meeting attendance of 60% or so , invariably many people would be missing , presumed dead ( or "ill".)
We used to have a congregation game of football ( soccer ) on a Sunday afternoon and it always amused me how many JWs who were "too ill" to attend the meeting on the morning would suddenly recover , Lazarus style , to play without exhibiting any signs of the apparently near fatal acute health condition of that morning. One of the more officious elders tried to introduce a rule that the only ones who could play would have to have been at the meeting that morning , but in practice it was very difficult to police and the better players tended to be the ones who missed most meetings.
One of the problems was the risk that some well meaning and / or nosey JW would phone up ( or even turn up , unannounced ) at the house to see "how you were" and clearly it didn't go down too well if they found you in rude health chasing the dog or kids around the garden.