Its not necessary to connect with an organization to connect with god, and if he does have an organization, it sure isn't this one. Listen to the voice that is telling you that something is wrong with an organization that changes doctrines and practices this radically. Why did they all of a sudden start putting the governing body out there, where they were hardly mentioned before? Why have they begun selling off kingdom halls and other properties and getting rid of bethel workers? Something just does not add up.
Do yourself a favor and research the history of this religion. I think you will be shocked, as I was, that they have not been honest about their history and practices. Their failed date predictions, questionable chronology, and child abuse cover ups are easy to investigate on the internet. You have children, so I am sure you don't want them to be in an organization that too often has failed to investigate claims of child sex abuse, failed to inform the authorities or worse, allowed abusers back to the congregation with no warning to parents, even sometimes allowing them to serve as elders or ministerial servants.