Yesterday, they showed the story “From enemies to friends” at the kingdom hall. My mother in law told me about it as she was touched by the story. So then, later in the evening, I searched for the video and found it in the January 1st 2017 Broadcast.
This story about a criminal and a police man “taking the truth” and becoming friends is somewhat believable. However, it appears to be stretched for dramatic purposes. Also, it omitted many significant details: In which country and city did this happened. Which prison did the criminal served time in? We know nothing of the families, and their friends.
Curious as I am, I searched for their respective names online; Vladimir Olkhov (criminal) and Valery Zaporozhsky (Police man). I could not find a thing. Nothing. I searched on the online library, nothing. I than searched on the Watchtower Library: Nothing. As they might have changed the names of the two, I searched for vague terms, such as “criminal”, “police”, “baptized 1996”. Still nothing.
Considering that this story has happened 20 years ago, I find it doubtful that the watchtower would not have printed anything on it for all this time. It is after all, a story that strikes the imagination! This alone makes me doubt the validity of the story.
Still, such story is indeed possible. And many other religion can claim similar stories as well. It just that something isn’t adding up here. And I feel somewhat frustrated to see that they are playing with my mother in-law’s feelings and emotions.