One reason behind the slow steady decline of JWs

by AllTimeJeff 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freddo
    I want to believe your analysis Dunedain. I really hope you are right. Dare I hope you are right?
  • Divergent
    If you will reread my post, you will find that I was trying to make a correlation between his persona and its effect on the Jehovah's Witness community and Organization.

    Apologies. I misunderstood the point you were trying to make

  • sparky1

    Apology accepted, Divergent.

  • Divergent

    I actually misread & thought you said he was a fine person... LOL


  • Finkelstein

    If there would be any reason for the decline of the WTS. it would be to the causative fact that its core doctrines in which this religious organization was built upon has run its course of viability.

    Since 1874 the WTS has proclaimed that mankind is living in the days prophesied in the bible and this generation was the generation that Jesus had spoken about himself.

    Essentially the WTS preached a tainted commercialized (false) gospel

    promoted and engaged through the publishing company the WTS leaders controlled and directed.

    Through those expressed doctrines the WTS got itself in stalemate of theocracy, where its doctrines did indeed draw attention to the organization and helped in the proliferation of the organization's publications but now its become obvious that those doctrines were false and commercially driven.

  • Lieu

    But how could they put one guy in charge again after the Rutherford tyranny? Or the loon Fred Franz insanity? They both completely lost their minds on power trips.

    Their whole problem is that they are running a business

  • AllTimeJeff

    Good points everyone. I'd like to stress that Knorr was a dick unless you were in his inner circle. As in all business, knowing how to network pays big, and some in the JW business did it a lot better than others. Who you knew and how you portrayed yourself was more important than who you really were.

    It seems such a silly point to discuss WT leadership, but it's a huge reason why they are where they are. I agree with you Dunedain, this is 20 years in the making. Like all businesses and organizations, the last decade introduced disruption. And I often wonder whether GB 2.1 has realized (and perhaps even admitted within their circle) that all of Franzs stuff was wrong, he really was a false prophet, and now they are stuck on the wrong side of the bell curve. Do you selfishly ride it our and make sure you're taking care of, or do you admit that "we were wrong?"

    The latest attempt at explaining the word "generation" probably provides the answer.

  • Finkelstein

    A business run on fraud and convoluted pretentiousness ... God's solemnly chosen organization as his FDSL to dispense true and accurate bible interpretations.

    The WTS game really involves exploiting the present belief in the bible to circumvent their own power and control as well to promote the sale and distribution of the organization's published goods.

  • AllTimeJeff
    Btw, the idea that this younger generation of GB is "anointed" is total bull shit on their part and a naked power grab. I thought I was anointed for a day, I really did, after my attacks in Africa. I was just upset and trying to attach meaning to it. These guys? Total yahoos. And now they're stuck with a declining publishing cult that was dependent on printing for their income. Be careful what you wish for...
  • sparky1

    This post just brought back a memory of my Watchtower Farms days. One of Audrey Knorr's best friends told me that Audrey had told her: 'Nathan is dead set against the new Governing Body arrangement and the new Elder arrangement. He feels that it would be taking the Organization in the wrong direction and may cause more problems in the long run.' Maybe Knorr was a prophet and we just don't give him enough credit!

    "The idea that this younger generation of GB is 'anointed' is total bullshit...."

    Remember in the early '70's Knorr and Franz preached over and over, "There are NO NEW remnant."

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