Coordinator of Elders Problems in One Southern England Circuit!

by The Searcher 50 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Information just passed to me. Let's hope this becomes even more widespread.

    I wonder if the Britain Branch suspects a conspiracy? :)

    So far in 2015 Six CoBE's have been removed or resigned in one circuit!

    1. March 2015 Resigned due to depression and health - still elder and now grown a beard.
    2. May 2015 Resigned/removed - don't know why - still an elder
    3. July 2015 Resigned/removed - B.O.E fed up with him being CoBE - still an elder
    4. Aug 2015 Congregation disbanded. So no need for CoBE. Still elder in new cong.
    5. Oct 2015 Resigned/Removed and no longer an elder - reason unknown
    6. Oct 2015 Resigned still an elder - teenage son DF'd

  • chicken little
    chicken little
    I would imagine that those statistics will hold up in most of the circuits in the UK, so many are stepping down these days. I think they will find it impossible to function soon if the really old loyal elders start to throw in the towel as there is no one to step into their places, they young just can't be bothered.
  • EmptyInside
    I have a family member who recently resigned as an elder. It's a long story,but he suffers from severe anxiety and depression. I'm hoping he will soon connect the dots before it is too late for him.
  • never a jw
    never a jw
    Post edited because I misunderstood something, but the new light came on due time.
  • bohm
    The searcher: Do you suspect these resignations may be related?
  • BluesBrother
    A while back Sis Blues' COBE was removed but still an elder. I was told that the C/O recommended that someone more dynamic take it on. This age rule (is it max 80 ) has caused some changes if some of the oldies feel they would have to go anyway soon.
  • HappyHappyHappy1914

    The lack of serving brothers appears to be spiraling out of hand. In my circuit, there are over a hundred former elders. Many of them have stepped down because of health or because they were "burnt out." The problem is that this puts a TON of stress on the ones now serving, making it nearly impossible for them to handle their responsibility. Many of them are doing their best....but then the CO comes into town and tells them they need to do more shepherding visits, do a better job training the younger ones, and puts even more pressure on them. And the younger ones, who no longer view those appointments as a "privilege," just aren't stepping up in large numbers.

    In more ways than one, we are getting closer to a tipping point.

  • FayeDunaway
    HHH good observations. It's kind of a catch 22. Current elders getting burnt out and stepping down, so the remaining elders are getting even more burnt out, and nobody but fools wants this to happen to themselves, so they're not reaching out. Meanwhile those very burnt out elders are always told they're not doing a good enough job. I feel sorry for them, truly. What happens at the tipping point? Any thoughts? Maybe the more people leave, at least the fewer burdens for those remaining elders to bear.
  • eyeuse2badub

    I was one who "stepped down" citing stress and burn out. I lied. I just 'woke up' and I really think that's the real reason so many long time elders are "stepping down". This ain't mama's 'old time' religion anymore. This is a corporation calling itself a religion.

    just saying!


  • cofty
    The legal exposure of being an elder is sufficient reason to avoid it like a poison chalice.

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