I know this must be coming down from the top because the Elders in my hall who didn't really care before are all concerned about it. Must be on the list of things to do before the CO comes back around. In past years I never really thought about the DPA. I was younger and didn't really think there was much chance I would need blood and not be conscious to make my wishes known. Now I'm getting older though and although the chance is still small I'd rather not be putting it in the hands of the Elders. Even it being in the hands of my family would scare me a bit. For now I've been "forgetting" to fill it out and have it signed but was wondering how other people handled this.
DPA Cards: Word Has Come Down To Badger People
by JW_Rogue 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Here in the lower midwest, I haven't heard a peep about it. I don't have my card filled out, and don't care to, but no elder that I know of has done anything along the lines of getting compliance about it.
I know one things for sure, if it came down to it, live or die, I choose to live. Now if that means a blood transfusion then so be it. They can go ahead and DF me if they want. "I'll live with that." Pun intended. :)
Oh, really? Maybe it is our CO then, he is a real "company man" if you know what I mean.
Now if that means a blood transfusion then so be it. They can go ahead and DF me if they want. "I'll live with that." Pun intended.
Gems of wisdom.
Both my wife and I recently needed surgery. The surgical center I chose has patients sign a consent for transfusion as a standard procedure even if the need is nonexistent. I signed even though I knew the chances of needing such would be the result of a mistake by the surgeon if he was a bumbling butcher. Still, it felt quite weird doing so.
She was in a major hospital in a large metro area nearby and we wondered if by chance we could bump into HLC members we know from our past JW "friends". What would we say if they wanted to see her DPA, etc? As it was, we did bump into old JW acquaintances, but thankfully they were too concerned about their own family member to worry about our situation.
If local Eldubs were pressuring me about a copy of my DPA, I think I'd tell them that I don't want some dumbass "windowwasher" sticking his nose into my medical problems. I'm fully capable of handling those things without the assistance of a "pretend-doctor" at my side. Tell them: "Don't call me. I'll call you."
Does an elder or two have to see it and sign it now? Is it mandatory to give the BOE a copy (assuming one of them has not signed it)?
If so, heil Hitler...........IF they ask, just say you have taken care of it. Don't explain, either change the subject or politely excuse yourself and walk away.
From a legal perspective, having elders hound publishers to sign blood cards, or worse, demanding that elders be able to keep signed cards on file, is a bad idea.
It would give a judge ammunition to void the DPA on the theory that it was signed under duress and wasn't a voluntary expression of the publisher's sincere wishes.
Demand that they sign a statement first, acknowledging that they insist that you fill a DPA out. Then give a copy of that statement to all the local hospitals as well as any local judges. It would effectively nullify every JW's DPA in your area.
Or, record them pressuring you about it. Such a recording, if made public, would seriously affect the usefulness of any JWs DPA.
Excuse my ignorance, but is this DPA just over health matters or does it allow the designee to control other aspects of the incapacitated one's life, like finances?
Is it mandatory to give the BOE a copy (assuming one of them has not signed it)?
Anybody can sign it technically but of course they recommend that it be a witness. After it is signed the Elders are telling people to make three copies: one for their health care agent, one for their doctor, and finally one for the Elder's records. They used to suggest this but most people just ignored it, now they are saying everyone "needs" to get this done.
Excuse my ignorance, but is this DPA just over health matters or does it allow the designee to control other aspects of the incapacitated one's life, like finances?
No, the wording of the document makes it clear that this is for health care/end of life decisions. I believe there are other types of DPAs for financial matters.
The DPA cards are being used as a way to measure spiritual health. If you hand it in, it signifies that you are worthy of the elders' attention concerning health matters. And, once you qualify with the elders (and you don't if you don't file your DPA card), then you will qualify for consideration from the glorious HLC.
Handing in your DPA signals that you are "spiritually strong".
They are filtering out the JWs who could potentially embarrass the HLC by "not standing firm" on the blood refusal. The HLC don't want to waste their time on JWs who may not comply. (or can't afford alternative treatment). They have so many important duties to do - like recruiting bloodless doctors for their bloodless cult. Making presentations to hospitals and keeping that cooperative doctor file up to date.