The JW/WTBT's anti-scriptural & anti-Christ teaching that "a person's own death wipes out their sins" (based on their lie that Romans 6:7 is to be interpreted literally) appears to have had a little wedge inserted into it.
Despite making numerous accurate references to the fact that 1st century Christians had figuratively died to sin, the Svengalis at the top of the Brooklyn pyramid point-blank refuse to discuss/cite/quote Romans 6:7 and its true meaning.
Page 10, par. 9 & 10 - Because, as Paul writes, Christians have "died with reference to sin." (Read Romans 6:1, 2.) While they were still alive on earth, how could it be said of them that they had "died with reference to sin"? (Why don't you read Romans 6:7?)
10 God applied the ransomto Paul and others of his day....... But Paul could speak of them while they were still alive and serving God on earth as having "died with reference to sin.".....It was similar with anointed Christians, who could consider themselves "dead with reference to sin but living with reference to God by Christ Jesus." (Rom. 6:9, 11) Their way of life was not as it once was. They were no longer obeying the dictates or impulses of their sinful desires. They had died to that previous way of life. (Did you read Romans 6:7 yet?)
Page 10, par. 11 - What of us? Well, before we became Christians, we often sinned, perhaps not realizing how wrong or bad our actions were in God’s eyes. So we too could be said to have "died with reference to sin." (Hellooooooooo!! Romans 6:7 is just begging to be read!!!)
Page 10, Par. 12 - Or am I dead with reference to sin? Am I living with reference to God by Christ Jesus?’ (Are your brain cells dead too? Just read Romans 6:7 why don't you?)
Page 11, par. 13 - Paul was inspired to write to them: "Neither go on presenting your bodies to sin as weapons of unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those alive from the dead, also your bodies to God as weapons of righteousness." (Rom. 6:13) (Don't tell me they've deleted Romans 6:7 from the Revised New World Translation. Groan!!!)