He is an old friend that used to attend my congo. He moved away closer to his parents at some point and we lost touch. For a couple of years I did not hear anything from him. Occasional text messages but nothing in detail. I bumped into him in one of the last assemblies I attended willingly (although I was already mentally out). He showed up to the assembly with his parents and a girlfriend but he was wearing a beard. The next day in the same assembly the beard was gone. We exchanged phone numbers.
I texted him after and I felt he may have been avoiding me. Figure he know I saw him with a beard and probably thought I was going to preach to him. I texted him again yesterday and we had a long conversation. Turns out he is just as awaken as I am. He is also as trapped as I am... not being able to freely speak up.
Anyway... I feel is a good relief for both of us to know we are not alone. I also know this community rejoices every time a new "apostate" is discovered.