Good NYT article on gravitational waves discovery
by done4good 16 Replies latest jw friends
Coded Logic
And not just a new discovery either! Astrophysicist will now have a new tool in which they can observe the universe. One of the most interesting aspects is it will allow us to observe black holes up close and personal in a way we never could before.
It's like inventing the telescope or radio astronomy. It's really going to expand the kind of information we can gather.
thank you for putting up the article. Before , anything to do with gravity had a long frequency, like our tides, created by the rotation of the earth, not fluctuations of the Moon's pull, his/her's attractiveness. (hah). Interesting about the shrp, an increase in frequencies, before the merger, when no more pulsation occurs, because the gravitational field becomes unified, relatively stable as seen from the distant outside. -
Those aren't gravitational waves! It's just god farting! -
ttdtt: "It's just god farting! ---no, can't be. Gravity is always attracting, and the natural gas expulsion is repulsive, when you hear the grave f-sound waves , its time to move away. -
I though god farting was thunder ?
I though god farting was thunder ? you want us to clap? what rhymes with clap? -
Its impossible to fart on the food they serve in heaven so I hear
A huge feather in the cap for American science. 40 years to get the right instruments to measure them. Incredible foresight and scientific good stuff. The impossible takes just a little longer.
That's exciting news. I remember the Bicep group's announcement back in 2014 turning out to be spacedust, it was disappointing for them.