Fulano - why, would meeting them in person make a difference?
Does the governing body know what they are doing?
by Gefangene 50 Replies latest watchtower scandals
How can you be so sure what someone thinks without knowing him or speaking to him? And besides that, the GB is not one person but are several. So what one thinks might be different from the others thoughts. Seems obvious to me.
@ - Fulano - I HAVE met a governing body member in person, and on MANY occasions. In fact he was the PRESIDENT of this man made/run organization.
His name was Brother Henschel. He on the outside for all intents and purposes, seemed and was a nice person.
However, let me explain how I, PERSONALLY, got to know this man. You see, when I was in the "truth", I was married to my young wife, who was "in", and so was her VERY RICH grandmother. I happen to have been born and raised in a borough of NYC, literally NEXT to Brooklyn. Mind you, 20 years ago, when this all occurred, the GB ws still very much living in Brooklyn Bethel, not upstate NY.
Well, my EX Grandmother in law, LOVED to throw her money around, and made sure EVERYONE in the WBT$ knew she was "from money". She also LOVED the "high society", and the "whos who", of the "truth". If she was a worldly person, with the same money, she would have surrounded herself with lawyers, judges, and poloticians, and maybe even famous persons, if she could have.
Being, though, that she was in the "truth", instead she used her money to surround herself with the WBT$'s "high society". She LOVED the elders, and especially LOVED the Brooklyn Bethel Elders in my old congregation. Especially the older husband and wife couple from Bethels writing dept. They would get "green handshakes", ALL the time. Those "green handshakes" led to MANY invitations to Bethel, and sitting at the "FINEST TABLES". Those that KNOW old scholl Brooklyn Bethel, know exactly what I mean.
Yes, she would be at the GB's tables, and it WAS GREEN HANDSHAKES for ALL. She didn't stop there, in fact she went right for the TOP. Once she met, the then President Henschel, she was in her glory. She would drop SOO MUCH money into his PERSONAL POCKET, it was RIDICULOUS.
Brother Henschel, LOVED her SO SO much, for some reason SHE was invited back, oh so many times. In my ex-Grandmother in laws mind, it wa her fast track into being "judged" righteous into the new system, and in the PRESIDENT OF JEHOVAHS ORGANIZATION, it was EASY MONEY.
She LITERALLY would call him "HER ANGEL", and not ONCE did he say, "oh stop I am just a humble servant", OR " no no I am not worthy of titles", NOPE he took it all in, both mentally and monetarily. Their "relationship" was so odd and "financially intertwined", that brother Henschel, the President of the GB, went to my ex-wifes BRIDAL SHOWER. He was the ONLY MALE there, and sat there with a smug entitled look, all the while my ex-Grandmother in law calling him "her angel", and you better believe he got paid very well to be there.
I know all of this, and witnessed this PERSONALLY, as I was the groom, and son in-law, and at the time in "good standing" from a decent family in the "truth", and was therefore invited to these "outings" to Bethel too.
I sat at the TOP/HEAD tables. I met with and talked with these GB members on MANY occasions. NO, I did not know anything about them "behind the scenes", NO I cannot "read their hearts", but I saw with my OWN EYES, how they WERE WORSHIPPED, and how they acted when they were. I saw them LOVE someone, especially when there was a NICE GREEN HANDSHAKE involved. These were the ones who would be ALWAYS invited back, and my ex-Grandmother in law, was one of them.
Mind you, this was the OLDER group of GB's. Some, including myself, would say they were actually a BETTER group of GB's, and I SAW the BULLSHIT. I can ONLY IMAGINE whats up with this CURRENT group, who is building the "castles" upstate, and secure little "slice of paradise", on the backs of the masses that worship them.
They are NOT humble men. They are oppurtunists who happen to be on the TOP of the pyramid. Power corrupts, but absolute power, corrupts ABSOLUTELY. I saw this at the ages of 19 and 20 years old, when I watched the so called "humble" President of the society, take my ex Grandmother in-laws money, and "bathed' in her compliments and the "TITLES" given him, and he allowed that money to influence both her and his/their lives of "high society".
Remember, when the President of the society, and the top GB member goes to, and is the ONLY brother there, amongst cackling sisters, you better believe he got paid very nicely for it. I still have the video to prove it, lol, scumbags.
fulano , the GB sign off on whatever is printed in WT literature , and what is presented at Conventions as coming from the faithful & discreet slave.
And also what the Congregations programs are from week to week.
So yes we can say with surety what the GB thinks .
Dunedain, were you in the Brooklyn Height congregation?
I was not talking about if they are right and righteous men, the only thing I noticed is that are so many opinions. I knew several of them, talken with them in the congregation and libraries. Even then I find it hard to have such a strong opinion about them as a group.
The one I really didn't like was Eric Beveridge, not of the GB but a writer, a British arrogant irritating man. Did like to show up without a tie at the breakfast table.
I think they genuinely believe they're God appointed. But the flip-flopping, back tracking (new light), and failed "expectations" (predictions) show they aint guided by no holy spirit.
Reading Crisis Of Conscience shows they don't even agree on most things.
The only one even remotely qualified in biblical languages was Fred Franz because he took a 2 year course in Ancient Greek and was self taught Hebrew. Now, i ask you, if you were about to have a life saving operation and the doctor who claimed to be the best told you he had taken a 2 year course in medicine and was self taught in this operation - would you trust him?
They clearly don't know what the hell they are doing. Knorr knew how to run an efficient organisation. And Franz knew how to construct a wacky but somehow coherent and compelling end times theology. Of the current GB, none of them appear to have either skill.
Does this look like a guy who "knows what he's doing"?
@ Fulano - No, I was not in the Brooklyn heights congregation. I was born and raised in another borough, which is right next to Brooklyn. My old cong was in this borough too. Staten Island, for anonymity I wont mention my exact old congregation, but knowing the borough will narrow it down a bit, lol.
They know what they hope to achieve, the perpetuation of the Milch Cow, the Org, during their lifetimes.
Quite how to do that, they have not yet figured.