Looter...I am eagerly anticipating your posts and have been following them avidly.
Do you mind helping me out? Can you describe this character or thing that you keep referring to as "God"? I have no idea what it is that you accuse people of hating...what is it that we/us/others are supposed to be hating?
Who or what is this entity that you keep referring to? Do you have a picture, or at least some sort of description? I really want to make sure that I know what it is that I am supposed to be looking for...it seems sort of pointless to hate something that is so, well...undefined. I wouldn't want to waste my time...if hate is the required emotion here...please tell what it is that I am supposed to be hating.
Think of me as your pet personal Christian project...you can save me. Teach me about this 'god' thing you talk about...I want to make sure I recognize it when it shows up in my life. Define God.