For kingdom hall and branch closings, leaked documents and videos, number of baptisms at assemblies, news articles on child abuse and other. Etc. Thank you
Could we have a topic subject on just watchtower organization news?
by nowwhat? 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Also to Simon. I can't see the dates on the posts, and havnt done so for a couple of weeks.
Great suggestion by Nowhat. I second it.
Joe - that may be due to the device you are using. I've noticed fewer features show on this forum when I access it from iPhone than when I do so through my laptop or desktop.
You mean like this??
BoE Letter, June 6, 2017 - Re: Improving Territory Coverage
Knock-on effect of all that 'trolley witnessing'?
Or like this?
Black pudding inventorsDiario De Soria, Saturday 10 June 2017
The 'morcilleros' maintain their commitment to the quality and the artisan processes and introduce the innovation to develop new concepts
Although perhaps the most revolutionary product of the brand has been the ecumenical blood sausage, a bloodless blood so that Jehovah's Witnesses can enjoy without sin.
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Well it didn't take long for this post to get hijacked
Or maybe like this?
DoubtRheinische Post, Saturday 10 June 2017
Dusseldorf. In the world of Jehovah's Witnesses, there seems to be only black and white, proponents and opponents. Our author Verena Kensbock spoke with both sides: the followers Marcel and Myriam Nau and the drop-off Michael Spengler.
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Bungi Bill
Well it didn't take long for this post to get hijacked
Sadly, you are quite correct!
VIDEO: Visit to JW Ukraine Branch Office (uploaded Saturday 10 June 2017)