Thanks for telling your story. Of course its a very familiar to so many of us.
I loved what you said here - it is SO TRUE! I know I did and so many others did. Makes it easy to follow the path of least resistance with that thought that the New System is around the corner anyway so your not loosing out.
Sometimes I think I used this religion as an excuse to fail.
As for your other strategy:
DONT DONT just marry someone who is weak. Please find someone you love for real (outside the org)!
You will take the chance that he is not who you want really and that he may at somepoint want to be Strong in the Truth in the future - then your screwed.
Speaking of that. Start having sex as much and as often as you can (safely) - you will NEVER get these years back!!!!!!!
You can live a double life without getting caught if you are smart. Really you will regret it so much when you are older. If you already have regrets about it now, imagine what it will feel like when your 50.
If you marry out of the "Troof" to someone you love, it can be a good way to FADE.
KEEP THIS IN MIND! Someday you will have kids, you dont want ANY chance of them getting in the CULT!!!!!!