Essential Beliefs

by LeeMerk 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LeeMerk

    If the Watchtower really wants to move more mainstream they need to take a lesson from Evangelicals in the United States. They seem to say there are "Essential Beliefs". A handful of core beliefs that are necessary to be considered true Christians. These beliefs set them apart from everyone else and mark them as "authentic". The "non-essentials" are basically up to your conscience and not emphasized.

    I see this in books, churches and so forth in the last few years. Perhaps in response to controversies in the Evangelical world I don't know.

    I really think this is what the Watchtower needs to move towards. It would still set them apart from other Christians (the non-trinitarian view) but many would find it reasonable. I will list some as a possible example:

    1. Father, Son, Spirit separate (current belief and non-trinitarian)

    2. Soul is the body (current view)

    3. Hell is the grave

    4. Resurrection at the end of time for all in the grave

    5. 144,000 is symbolic

    6. We are in a last day period since Pentecost

    Birthdays, blood, shunning is a personal matter although counsel to those not following matters of sexual morality (conservative view) will still take place.

    This is just a quick list, what would you think might be considered "essential" to a more mainstream Watchtower?

  • DesirousOfChange

    I don’t see them ever “willingly“ adopting those changes, but they very well may be forced to if they continue to be “persecuted“ by the worldly governments for their policies that violate basic human rights such as shunning.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    They hold essential views but have muddied things up do much they are in the background. 144000 will always a ts be dogmatic as nobody really knows how many delusional have claimed it.

    Some things like blood are more for the controversy than any scriptural reason. Birthday is to keep you humble; " you ain't special you slave."

    One of the key tenets was beards( usa centric). Look at the continuing mess that has caused

  • LeeMerk

    In my view, they have always made too big a thing about too many things. The essentials become muddied as you say. Therefore, when someone questions something small and can't defend it anymore everything else comes into question too.

    What mess has the beard thing caused already?

  • Vidiot

    Shades of the WCG, anyone?

  • LeeMerk

    What the WCG did seems like a bigger pull off in a way doesn't it? Didn't they go Trinitarian?

  • Vidiot

    They want almost completely mainstream…

    …and shattered into a bazillion pieces.

    Hardly anyone even remembers Herbert Armstrong, anymore.

    I guarantee you the Org was watching and taking notes.

  • TonusOH

    Isn't there one essential belief for Christians? Jesus offered up a sacrifice on behalf of humanity so as to redeem any who accept it. Everything else is up for debate, more or less.

    The problem with the WTS's approach is that they have chosen so many odd hills to die on, with the blood policy as a good example. Their interpretation has not stood the test of time, and they have modified it until it serves only as a way to express unquestioning devotion to the GB. The fact that it has cost lives does not seem to bother the leadership.

  • Ding

    Their one unassailable doctrine is that whatever the GB teaches is the truth.

  • enoughisenough

    Well, now that is an idea...but...from where I sit the only real core belief is the GB is boss ( voice of Jesus ) and you have to obey any core belief they say, even if they change that same core belief in the blink of an eye. Obedience to them is their core belief. So if they were to honestly publsh a core belief it would be...OBEY the GB or else.

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