I have proof Noah built the Ark just like God told him to
by KateWild 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Noah didn't need all that fancy pancy technology. He had god's invisible beams of power to grease the wheels and enslaved Nephilim to be the labor rats. And don't forget, he had giant rock monster demons (from the movie Noah) to bend to his will as well.
This is a double post by mistake
That`s Ken Hams piece of Crap "Noah`s Ark"..
It cost 100 million to build..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
It doesn`t float..There`s no animals..
It`s got a gift shop and a restaurant..
Noah is writing God a letter from,Ken Hams Ark..
Dear God..
This Ark is a Friggin Waste of Money..
Apparently they were attempting to go for accuracy.
I had no idea Noah, the missus, and their inbred kids saved the world in such swanky digs: http://freethoughtblogs.com/axp/2016/07/08/ken-hams-ark-encounter-hits-iceberg-of-reality-on-maiden-voyage/
Holy shit, EuroDisney had better success. :smirk:
Village Idiot
I see that the inside of the ark in the gift shop does not have two stories. No smelly animals either. You need smelly animals for ambience.
James Mixon
Are they selling doves in the gift shop. Matt. 21:12 He overturned the tables of the
money changers and the benches of those selling doves.
There`s also a 1500 seat Restaurant..
Outlaw...you have Mr and Mrs toes dying laughing with the JFC. LOVE IT!