The liquidation sale continues.
2017 Annual Meeting
by obarac 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
JW GoneBad
Whenever I read this scripture...I can't help but think of the publishing company known as the WTBTS:
Eccl 12:12 " warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh."
The rank and file and the WTBTS have been warned!
JW GoneBad
May God bless you Wifibandit...thank you!
Mickey mouse
More evidence if it were needed of an empire in decline.
steve2: I wasn't expecting the end of the Yearbook - so wow! Can anyone confirm that the annual service report will still be available though? On Jworg?
According to the letter to be read out at all congregations, it would appears that, yes, the annual service report will still be available on jworg
October 7, 2017 - Re: Annual Meeting Announcements
The Yearbook will no longer be published. When the worldwide field service report for the 2017 service year becomes available, this information will be published in the "About Us" section of jworg.
Last year (2016 report) I believe was the first time that the WT had actually placed the entire annual statistics page onto the web (excluding the PDF of the publication).
(click on 'click to enlarge' to expand the table)The issue maybe the following year - will the 2017 report be removed and replaced by the 2018 report?
I honestly don't think the numbers are the big reason for not producing the Yearbook.
True the numbers will not be so readily viewable via the printed form - and of course I presume the WT think that that's no bad idea.
But I think the real driving force was the desire by the WT to cut-back as much as possible on the actual work needed to be done (to a 'deadline') to produce the (printed-format) Yearbook - research, both archive for country histories, and field ministry experiences from around the world plus layout and pictures for a 'printed/PDF' format.
Remember the WT seems to be dropping a number of graphic printed/PDF content (produced primarily for children) too according to the above letter.
WT is now much more set up for VIDEO - one comment from the Annual Meeting said something like the WT says there set-up at Warwick allows them to produce around 400 videos-a-year (!) - of course most may be only relatively short, but still...
Looks like the WT have released updated information on the 'Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry' section of the midweek CLAM meeting.
The presentations are much much less publication focused.
Obviously not all the (sub) items are used each week.
S-38: Instructions for Our Christian Life and Ministry Meeting
Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry: 15 minutes or less.
This section of the meeting is designed to give all the opportunity to practice for the ministry and to improve in their ability to preach and teach. The students should base the initial call and return visit assignments on the sample conversations provided on page 1 of the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook. Publishers may decide whether or not to introduce a publication or video from our Teaching Toolbox. At times, the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook may provide additional instructions for the student assignments. Students do not need to add additional information simply to use all of the allotted time. Some well-prepared demonstrations may conclude a minute or more early. As necessary, elders may receive student assignments.
• Sample Conversation Videos: 4 or 5 minutes. One video of a model conversation will be played and discussed during each of the first three weeks of the month. These videos will feature the initial call, the first return visit, and the second return visit. This part will be handled by the Life and Ministry Meeting chairman.
• Initial Call: 2 minutes or less. This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister. The assistant should be of the same sex or should be a family member. The student and assistant may be seated or be standing. The student should choose a greeting appropriate for the area. The sample conversation should be used as the foundation for the discussion.
• First Return Visit: 3 minutes or less. This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister. The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex. (km 5/97 p. 2) The student and assistant may be seated or be standing. The student should demonstrate what to say when returning to visit someone who showed interest on the initial call. The sample conversation in the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook should be used as the foundation for the discussion.
• Second Return Visit: 3 minutes or less. This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister. The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex. (km 5/97 p. 2) The student and assistant may be seated or be standing. The student should demonstrate what to say when returning to visit someone who showed interest on the first return visit. The sample conversation should be used as the foundation for the discussion.
• Third Return Visit: 3 minutes or less. This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister. The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex. (km 5/97 p. 2) The student and assistant may be seated or be standing. The student should demonstrate what to say when returning to visit someone who showed interest on the second return visit. The student should select his own scripture and link to the next conversation.
• Bible Study: 6 minutes or less. This student assignment may be handled by a brother or a sister. The assistant should not be someone of the opposite sex. (km 5/97 p. 2) The student and assistant may be seated or be standing. This part should demonstrate a segment of a Bible study already in progress. There is no need for an introduction or a conclusion unless the student is specifically working on one of these counsel points. It is not necessary to have all of the assigned material read aloud, although this may be done. Good teaching skills should be highlighted.
• Talk: 6 minutes or less. This student assignment is to be handled by a brother and given as a talk to the congregation
FYI - you can read the previous, now old, instructions here: (old instructions)
Below are the relevant parts from the JANUARY 2018 - CLAM WORKBOOK
Starting this month, the midweek meeting will no longer feature three different sample presentations. Instead, the Life and Ministry Meeting Workbook will have sample conversations consisting of an opening question, a scripture, and a linking question to pave the way for a return visit. Only one sample conversation video will be played per week. Each publisher can decide which publication from our Teaching Toolbox to use and when to introduce it—whether on an initial call or a return visit. In addition, the workbook will contain ideas for two follow-up conversations. This approach will help us focus on our goal of teaching “all those who [are] rightly disposed for everlasting life.”—Ac 13:48.
Student Assignments: Unless the instructions indicate otherwise, students should demonstrate the sample conversations.
Sample Conversations
• Question: Is the Bible still relevant today?
• Scripture: 2Ti 3:16
• Link: What is the Bible’s message?
• Question: What is the Bible’s message?
• Scripture: Mt 6:10
• Link: What will God’s Kingdom do?
• Question: What will God’s Kingdom do?
• Scripture: Da 2:44
• Link: How will this affect the earth?
January 1-7
• Initial Call Video: (4 min.) Play and discuss the video.
• First Return Visit: (3 min. or less) See Sample Conversations.
• Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bhs 41-42 ¶6-7
January 8-14
• Initial Call: (2 min. or less) See Sample Conversations.
• First Return Visit Video: (5 min.) Play and discuss the video.
• Talk: (6 min. or less) w16.03 31-32—Theme: Did Satan Physically Take Jesus to the Temple When Tempting Him?
January 15-21
• Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. Respond to an objection that is common in your territory.
• First Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. The person you spoke with before is not at home, but a relative answers the door.
• Second Return Visit Video: (5 min.) Play and discuss the video.
January 22-28
• Second Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Begin with the sample conversation. Invite the person to the meeting.
• Third Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Choose your own scripture, and offer a study publication.
• Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bhs 47 ¶18-19
January 29–February 4
• Second Return Visit: (3 min. or less) See Sample Conversations.
• Third Return Visit: (3 min. or less) Choose your own scripture and linking question.
• Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bhs 45-46 ¶15-16—Invite the person to the meeting.