I am located in Kentucky. I have faded out of the watchtower and I am just learning the truth about the truth. I am trying to find new friends to talk to. Anyone live in Kentucky 😁
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by BiggerRed 16 Replies latest jw friends
Nope - UK here!
Welcome anyway and talk away ... we can be your on line friends BiggerRed!
Tell us a bit about your situation.
Hi there Freddo 😊. I faded out myself because of the obvious hypocrisy. Been out for going on 3 years. My wife is still active along with my 13 and 6 year old daughters. After seeing all that went on i was so distressed about the witnesses that i started to doubt there even being a god! But always in the back of my mind i was arguing with myself that there has to be. So i started looking into if there was anyone else that felt the same way and viola i found you all 😁😁😁😁. I am very happy to have found you. Not only do i want to learn more about the real truth but somehow find a way to break it to my wife of 16 years. Its killing me. I did mention that the WTBTS was part of the UN but she is so brainwashed that it didn't even phase her at all 😕. And after all the years i was in there its hard to set aside their teachings and approach the bible with a complete open mind 😐. Sigh, so grief stricken!
I'm south of you a good bit. The UN affiliation was a wake up call for me, too. But I remembered the articles in Awake that talked up the UN and I remember thinking "WTH?" Then After digging I found that every NGO was to publish a pro-UN article in their literature.
Nice to meet you stillin. What awake articles were they? I would love to start there. Any advice in how to start with easing my wife into the real truth? -
Heya big red , I'm no where near local to you, as close as I get is Kentucky bourbon ha ha , my wife woke me up so speaking from the side of the woken spouse some pivotal points for me were learning of beth sarim ,Ray Franz and reading crisis of conscience and the UN debacle, what a slap in the face to wake me up , although I had doubts for years ,there's a depth to the indoctrinated weeds that we all have that are so hard to eradicate, tread carefully with yr spouse, so much sound advice on here , love from the bottom of the world ,laters
Where in Kentucky? I'm in the Louisville area. Technically just across the river in Clarksville Indiana, but we're in Kentucky all the time. I do two podcasts, one called "This JW Life" where I told my life story, and now one called "shunned" where I help others to tell their stories. So I'm a proper apostate, lol. My wife and I left together two years ago.
I've driven to Lexington an hour and a half away to meet a sister that is stuck in and can't leave but that needs someone to talk to. Maybe we could meet up sometime.
Thanks normalfulla! Dubstepped i live in elizabethtown ky! I am 35 min from louisville.
Who is Beth Sarim?
Should i ask my wife to read Crisis of Conscience with me? I havent read it myself yet.