I would...but I must admit the thought of it still makes me squeamish.
I developed a phobia of blood as a child of JWs.
by Joyzabel 45 Replies latest watchtower medical
I would...but I must admit the thought of it still makes me squeamish.
I developed a phobia of blood as a child of JWs.
Yes, of course, but I would take measures if possible to store my blood, and hopefully get freidns and family to donate as well. The thought of creepy diseases does not appeal to me.
Yes I would take blood and I would give it to my children to save their lives or any surgery complications. Without hesitation.
I agree so much with what Freedom said,,,,, the WT has broken down what part of the blood we can take and not take,,,,,,, I have no idea where in the scriptures they figure this one out.....
I had a problem with that as a witness, being able to take certain immunizations etc. that had blood componants in them, but not being able to take blood,,,,,,, it was silly to me then as it is now.
I always wondered how they could say it was a conscience matter to have an organ transplant,,,,, to me , I might be wrong, but what if there was a drop of someone eles blood in the organ.......can they really get all of the blood out of an organ for donation?
I would also be very willing to donate my blood , something I plan on doing , and I would donate to friends and relatives . I also want to be an organ donor and had decided to do that even as a witness.
I'm pretty much in agreement with the way Country Woman feels, the risk of disease would be a drawback, not a "hangover" from the JW teaching.
In a second. The benefits outwiegh the risks.
Considering that prior to my joining JW's I wouldn't have given a second thought to receiving a transfusion...
and that the only reason why I ever developed an aversion to the idea was because of cult indoctrination...
Yes, I would, without hesitation.
LOL @ Scully - it is cute seeing a spouse post on a thread by their spouse, lol.
My feelings on blood - I'd ask that docs try not to use it, but in case of emergency or life-threatening situation, yes, I'd likely take it. I no longer carry the Card though.
I would take if I just *had* to take one to save my life. I've seen the type of people who donate blood as a way of putting some money in their pocket and I was just floored that these type of people are allowed to do so. You wouldn't share a cup or a fork with the type of people I'm talking about, much less bodily fluids. I would still take a transfusion as a last resort, but I'd like it to be from somebody I knew. I have no scriptural qualms with taking blood, only health concerns.
If the Bible says we're to share things with our brothers and sisters, why not a pint of the "red" for somebody in need? Jesus said nothing that goes into a man's mouth defiles him. And he was perfectly aware of the all the tortured Pharisaic restrictions on diet of his Jewish culture. I quoted that to a JW once when debating the blood issue. I kept repeating, but Jesus said "NOTHING....." lol. They got quite upset.
*deleted duplicate post*
I agree with those who said that they would if it was necessary to save my life (or the lives of my children).
Why?....because I want to live to see my children's children have children. And, because I no longer fear the wrath of a God who insists on his children to be martyrs for his name sake.
Just a little story....When I laying there in my hospital bed about to give birth to my last baby, the nurse said something about giving me blood......and I, the loyal brainwashed cult member, said "OH NO, NO BLOOD," (between agonizing labor pains) "NO BLOOD"....they must have thought I was a lunatic....or just another crazy Jehovah's Witness! Ah, the memories.....
Mrs. Shakita