Dodge has found 4.7 Trillion Dollars in Untraceable money

by liam 15 Replies latest social current

  • liam

    Elon was looking at the way they audit within the Government agencies. He found there are no links to payments made. For example;

    250 Million Payment………..TO………………..Consultant……..Name ………..UNKNOWN

    850 Million Payment……….TO……………….Charity for Children…….Name ...UNKNOWN

    $4.7 TRILLION….LOST…… …………..THIS MANNER.

    Mean while during the same time. Obama's, Clinton's, Nancy Pelosi, the majority of Democrats, several Republicans, many that run and oversee Federal Agencies...BECAME MILLIONAIRES.

    Now they are saying that 99 percent of wealthy people who have become millionaires and billionaires in the past 50 years is because of some kind of fraud or Charities.

    Politicians for example. Celebrities. Religious Organizations

    As of 2024, there are 756 billionaires in the United States. Most of them reside in California, New York, Florida, and Texas. Most of them have ties to Politicians.

    As of 2024, there are approximately 2,781 billionaires in the world. Their combined net worth is around $14.2 trillion.

    If you’re Honest, Hard Working, and trust your religious organization, think again.

    Religious Organizations operate the same way, Fraud, except they figured out how to do it legally, by Charities. That is how they are able to accumulate wealth from investments, operating assets (ecclesiastical buildings) and Real estate, in exchange for giving people comfort that they will see an afterlife.

  • Riley

    It is strange how the number is basically the same number as Trump's proposed tax cut that mainly helps the top 10%.

    4.5 Trillion in missing money, 4.5 Trillion in a massive tax cut.

    It is almost like this story is total and complete bullshit

  • Journeyman

    "Dodge". Hah! What an appropriate typo!

    While I can appreciate there's government waste that can be cut - there always is, in most countries - it's clear that DOGE and Musk are only there on an agenda of their own (which, to be fair is also usually true of any incoming party in most countries).

    Ultimately, all governments commit fraud and misallocate funds to some degree - as do all major corporations. In commerce, it's called "tax avoidance" (but is usually so 'creative' it really amounts to tax evasion).

  • liam
    "Dodge". Hah! What an appropriate typo!

    Not a typo, Intentional!

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  • SydBarrett

    "Dodge". Hah! What an appropriate typo!

    While I can appreciate there's government waste that can be cut - there always is, in most countries - it's clear that DOGE and Musk are only there on an agenda of their own (which, to be fair is also usually true of any incoming party in most countries).

    Yes, I dont even have a problem with an audit in itself. But the idea that this is being done in a thorough and accurate way in the 4 weeks since the inauguration, on a bureaucracy as large as the Federal Government is nonsense.

    I work for a large company. I suppose the CEO could decide to fire a huge percentage of employees tomorrow without regard or understanding of their actual job duties and in the very very short term brag about all the money saved since they no longer have to meet that payroll. But in a few months the wheels are gonna start to fall off.

  • DesirousOfChange
    I work for a large company. I suppose the CEO could decide to fire a huge percentage of employees tomorrow without regard or understanding of their actual job duties and in the very very short term brag about all the money saved since they no longer have to meet that payroll. But in a few months the wheels are gonna start to fall off.

    Musk cut the staff of Twitter by 80% and it seems to be doing OK.

    Most of us in the US know that when we go into any government office, there is one person that really knows what's going on and does the work, while numerous others (standing around or playing on their phones) are there because of their relationship to some politician who owed them a job. That is IF they even come into the office.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Syd: If you have worked for enough large companies you know that there is plenty of waste going around and that is with a profit motive. In government there is no motive to do better or save money, because you can always get more money. So over 300 years, especially the past 100, the government has grown to be the largest employer in the world at 3M employees the Federal government even overshadows WalMart, the largest private employer in the world. And the Federal government doesn’t directly do anything for most citizen, local government does most of the actual work.

  • SydBarrett

    @Syd: If you have worked for enough large companies you know that there is plenty of waste going around and that is with a profit motive.

    Absolutely. I'm not questioning that. I just don't think a proper audit and cut could be done in 4 weeks by an outsider unfamiliar with the company. It would take some time interviewing people in various departments, getting a grasp of the company's processes before you could identify redundant jobs and inefficient methods.

    Musk cut the staff of Twitter by 80% and it seems to be doing OK.

    True. But an internet app was more in line with what was already his expertise. It seems to me that cutting waste in something like twitter is much more straightforward than say a hospital system or an auto manufacturing plant, as an example.

    With web companies, they all seem to have an army of people whose only purpose is to break perfectly functioning
    apps with unwanted and un-asked for 'updates'.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Syd: any good manager can cut people in less than a week. It doesn’t take much to see who is doing poorly, especially if we are talking about entire departments.

    As a manager I have always fired or at least highlighted to upper management every poor performing employee in my report within a week. You just look at who got hired without actually knowing the subject matter, ask other team members about the dynamics within and who they think does very well and does poorly, people that do poorly are generally well known, they are a drag on others, they think they are the smartest, they think they know everything, they micromanage, have various complaints against them.

    First thing to look at is their goal: DEI and HR can be cut without any negative impact out of any company. Seriously, what do they even do that brings profit? If you have a legal issue with an employee, you should ask the legal department which is what HR does anyway. Any manager that relies on HR to handhold employee issues with them is part of the problem.

    Next big thing is to look at finance: are there any groups that only exist to move money internal to the company. If so, they are not bringing any value. If the money you move does not move corresponding in a bank, it is Monopoly money.

    Then the one after that is any group that replicates work that a database or IT system is already doing. You see people taking Excel out of system and making reports and statements out of that manually, you are redundant, your job does not need to exist.

    Then there are those that do PR, marketing, sales etc. If your group is not involved in making the product better or taking feedback from customers, you are a net loss, cut it and be gone, sales people today still think cold calling and email campaigns sell product. Not true.

    Next is government liaisons and customer account managers. You cannot legally affect anyone in government, likewise you cannot ethically reward specific people in a company to buy your product. I know account managers spend an inordinate amount of resources in comparison with the expenditure of the clients.

  • Riley

    I am not an accountant, but I find it pretty hard to believe that a country that has an annual federal budget of $7 trillion suddenly has no idea where 4.6 trillion of it went. It seems to me that it may have been lent out and it’s more accounted for in the backend..

    A whole bunch more detail would be nice to know here. Did this happen over a single year or a decade or 30 years?

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