How did you feel when they eliminated the Con. Book Study?

by Freeandclear 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    One of the best changes. Hated that awful meeting!

    Now, some time soon, I hope they do away with the Friday in the regional assembly.


  • blondie
    They still have a book study, just everyone goes to the KH and it is the first meeting on a weekday and shortened followed ;now by the redone school and service meeting. Still studying some jw book.
  • TheListener
    Wow the bookstudy has been gone awhile now. Imagine how many witnesses probably don't even remember the bookstudy! We probably have posters here who joined the dubs and left and never even attended a bookstudy.
  • pixel

    Nice tread. Who was around this forum by the time the letter leaked regarding the cancellation of the BS? Oh! always ahead of the times!

    BTW, I used to liked the BS. Would have loved for them to drop the TMS instead.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I was here and thought it was all made up. When it was announced in the KH, I was so happy that I could not stop my ear to ear grin. Same when it was announced that the small assemblies would only be one day each.

    I just really hate meetings of any kind. I am quite a happy hermit. The times I fake some illness and stay home from a meeting, I am so very happy in peace and quiet at home! JWs are much too social a group for my style.


  • Alive!

    It went against the scriptural suggestion to draw closer together 'as the day draws near' - and I know many of us were puzzled....and the "book-study" had been sold to me/us as a critical meeting as this would be our safe 'go to' when the shite hit the fan.

    And it was whipped away, I loved my group - we all grew close....and the feeling of mutual care was wonderful.

    Interestingly, other churches have 'life groups' in members homes and these are viewed as central to the congregational life (at least it is at our local baptist church which I have visited occasionally) - I went to a life group meeting at someone's house, I was impressed with their togetherness and caring support, they prayed for individuals needing strength and courage through difficulties, offered help to each other and made plans to give pratical assistance ,they discussed a bible topic - food and drinks afterwards....

    I was suspicious of the decision to cut the Bookstudy group - a niggling intutuion told me the reasons were not about our welfare, but about keeping control, breaking up the possibility of too much closeness.....

    As I haven't any family in the org - I really appreciated the 'family' that was our Bookstudy group.

    I have to laugh now, when I remember that the TMS was held up as our 'training' for speaking boldly, especially when the inevitable time came that we'd be thrown in front of the courts......yes, that's what was said.

    After watching the performance of WT reps, including Jackson at the ARC...I suspect the TMS didn't them help at all....unless it was to speak without frankness, honesty and humility.

  • Tenacious
  • Alive!

    Lol - by the way, sorry my posts are always on the long side!

    Forgive me! But it feels good to vent and write it out!

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2
    At that point, that was the only meeting I was going to, so when that stopped I stopped!
  • dropoffyourkeylee
    Relief, and one question. Why stop there? The fewer meetings the better!

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