Why A Divine Being is Possible

by looter 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • looter

    Now we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space. And we always here of how it had a beginning. But really what could have begun it? I'm so over just doing what most scientist do, that is blaming it on dust and gravity. If you insist these two inanimate forces accounted for the universe and the eventual forming of the earth itself, then what caused them to form and hover? Chemists have been searching for the true cause of the universe and some have agreed that the cause it out of the natural realm. Heck, they have also said that the universe looks designed to a large extent.

    The universe's nature is so sequential in making life and any small change in any of these clearly set patterns would destroy life easily. Is the presence of the universe just a matter of a fluke, physical urgency, or even observational phenomena? Is it all really by a freak accident where if just one little thing was different then nothing would exist? All the answers that frequent the minds of scientists and the like strongly fails to give a precise explanation. But if there was a divine being or entity such as God who had a plan and direction, the universe and the earth wouldn't be as perplexing as it is.

  • shepherdless
    Now we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space. And we always here of how it had a beginning. But really what could have begun it?

    In the following lecture, Lawrence Krauss, a respected physicist and cosmologist, gives a detailed answer:


  • Ruby456

    well yes it is true that some scientists do believe in intelligent design and in God as architect and designer but a process like convergence is more fruitful for investigating why evolution settles on certain things like eyes, like flight for example again and again.

  • 2+2=5

    Now we all have heard how the universe is composed of matter and space. And we always here of how it had a beginning. But really what could have begun it? I'm so over just doing what most scientist do, that is blaming it on dust and gravity. If you insist these two inanimate forces accounted for the universe and the eventual forming of the earth itself, then what caused them to form and hover? Chemists have been searching for the true cause of the universe and some have agreed that the cause it out of the natural realm. Heck, they have also said that the universe looks designed to a large extent.

    The universe's nature is so sequential in making life and any small change in any of these clearly set patterns would destroy life easily. Is the presence of the universe just a matter of a fluke, physical urgency, or even observational phenomena? Is it all really by a freak accident where if just one little thing was different then nothing would exist? All the answers that frequent the minds of scientists and the like strongly fails to give a precise explanation. But if there was a divine being or entity such as God who had a plan and direction, the universe and the earth wouldn't be as perplexing as it is.


  • GoneAwol

    "I'm so over just doing what most scientist do"... what? You're actually fed up of scientists trying to find the answer to life's biggest questions? Really?

    So you get lazy and fall into the "god of the gaps" trap.

    Intellectually dishonest and lazy.

  • Heaven

    The ancient's who worshipped the Sun as God were closer to real divine truth than the 3 main faiths of today. Remove our Sun and we all perish.

  • Onager

    A well-known scientist (some say it was Bertrand Russell) once gave a public lecture on astronomy. He described how the earth orbits around the sun and how the sun, in turn, orbits around the center of a vast collection of stars called our galaxy. At the end of the lecture, a little old lady at the back of the room got up and said: "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise." The scientist gave a superior smile before replying, "What is the tortoise standing on?" "You're very clever, young man, very clever," said the old lady. "But it's turtles all the way down!"

    — Hawking, 1988[1]

    "If everything must have a cause, then God must have a cause. If there can be anything without a cause, it may just as well be the world as God, so that there cannot be any validity in that argument. It is exactly of the same nature as the Hindu's view, that the world rested upon an elephant and the elephant rested upon a tortoise; and when they said, 'How about the tortoise?' the Indian said, 'Suppose we change the subject.'" - Bertrand Russell

  • ttdtt
    I'm so over just doing what most scientist do, that is blaming it on dust and gravity.

    Scientist dont blame it on dust and gravity, and saying that shows a lack of understanding of what science has found on the matter.

    Chemists have been searching for the true cause of the universe

    Chemists study and practice chemistry - not cosmological origins, you would be an astronomer or theoretical or particle physicist if you were studying the origin of the universe.

    But if there was a divine being or entity such as God who had a plan and direction, the universe and the earth wouldn't be as perplexing as it is.

    Maybe but that would throw all the "perplexity" on god. Who created god? Why are not the questions that bug you about the universe not bug you about god?

    p.s. - Roll a million dice - look at the number - the odds of coming up with that number is astronomical - but it happened anyway.

  • Giles Gray
    Giles Gray
    "Why a Divine Being is Possible"

    Couldn't it also be possible that life is a simulation, which would negate the need of your god hypothesis to create this 'reality'?

    If everything is a hoax then nobody stands a chance of attaining truth.

  • Sanchy

    I'm calling troll on this one.

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