Thank you for posting. I got caught up in an internet rabbit hole about sovereign citizens.
Apparently they think that the government is illegitimate and they have rights that are actually theirs to not pay taxes, not register their cars, not have drivers licenses, and some go so far as to file liens against the property of government workers whom they consider to have violated their sovereign rights, usually police or judges.
Some of these movements spun out of anti-government patriot groups that believed that the current, especially federal, government is illegitimate because it has been coopted by believers in big government.
Some movements spun out of the belief that the US government has been illegitimate since the ending of the civil war, and that Jews and blacks have been secretly controlling the illegitimate government since then.
Ironically, a new group of sovereign citizens are found among black folks who believe the government is illegitimate. They learn the rhetoric in jailhouses where it is espoused by those who feel they have been wronged.
Some have issued their own promissory notes and tried to settle tax debt or buy cars, then get belligerent when dealerships refuse to give them the keys to "my property."
Very entertaining to watch, specifically because most videos are from the perpetrators themselves and they think they have proven a grand point, where to most people it looks like they just got "owned."
They are now considered by the FBI to be domestic terrorists that put law enforcement and other government workers in danger. Police departments get special training for recognizing and dealing with them. They can feel threatened when denied their "rights," and have killed before.