I noticed a recent commenter mention an assembly that had only one baptism, a born in. The last assembly I went to had three baptisms, of which two were born ins. Could part of the motivation for youth baptism be to avoid the embarrassment of an assembly with no baptisms at all? Does this ever occur?
Born in baptisms to avoid embarrassment
by Spoletta 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Could part of the motivation for youth baptism be to avoid the embarrassment of an assembly with no baptisms at all? Does this ever occur? ~ Spoletta
When we were still attending, it happened twice in our circuit (once on A side, once on B side). I also specifically recall when there was only one young born-in kid (son of an elder about 10 or 11yo). It really caused the speaker to lose his composure. I think he felt really awkward "reading the outline" as so much of it refers to converts.
"Wonderous expansion is not taking place. . . . "
Born-in baptisms were very common in the assemblies (or is that conventions? My memory is hazy over which is which) I attended in the nineties, though there were plenty of adult converts as well. Most born-ins seem to get baptized in their early to mid teens - just at the time when you would expect them to begin thinking for themselves about theological and philosophical subjects.
JW GoneBad
Spoletta: Could part of the motivation for youth baptism be to avoid the embarrassment of an assembly with no baptisms at all?
Without a doubt! Not to mention that worldwide senior JW members (60+ year olds) are dying off in large numbers...if it wasn't for infant/youth baptisms, JW membership would go downward very rapidly.
It's bye, bye time for that 'Wonderous Expansion'... Yay!
I was at an assembly once where there were no baptism candidates. The baptism talk was still given regardless. I think I recall that it was given for encouragement to those thinking of baptism.
At another assembly 2 children got baptized. I recall a woman in the row in front of me turning to another sister looking a a little shocked and saying 'their children'!'!
She expressed what probably many were thinking.
I recall that the Assembly immediately before the Convention at which I was baptized 11 years ago didn't have any baptismal candidates.
I can also recall several other Assemblies with only one or two baptized.
Its great looking at the figures on JW facts. Every year the org report more bible studies worldwide, but the actual ones getting baptised is at the same level as it was 40 years ago lol
I have seen were there are 2 scheduled in one side of the circuit and none in the other, asking one to get baptized at the other....so speaker talking to no one in baptism seats.
No, I don't think that would be the case as congregations don't normally know who is getting baptized from other congs until the day of the assembly. There is always pressure from family to get baptized though especially if they are reaching the teenage years. There is also pressure if older siblings got baptized at a certain age or if they are nearing eighteen years of age.
From my own experience as a born in - one starts getting the guilt trip and scare tactics that one isn't making the truth their own and the parents can no longer protect them at Armageddon when one is around 9-10 years old. Kids who want to "kiss up" or feel the attention they would not otherwise get, get baptized very early. I don't mean to be biased but most boys who get baptized early seem to want the ego boost. Most girls are wracked by fear, guilt, and shame. And again this is coming from personal experience and conversations with my brothers (familial) and many friends. Most teenagers seem to just be sick of being bugged about it.